
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Country Farm Home Christmases Past

I made a discovery as I began looking for a photo for the Christmas header. . .

vintage farmhouse décor seems so versatile and always in style. . .I rarely buy new decorations each Christmas.  I simply go to the cupboards, the attic, the barns, the garden house--anywhere I might find make-do items. . . I do keep an eye on the trends and sometimes tweak them to my style. . .I believe any time you decorate, it should make you happy. . .make you smile. . .eye candy for your heart. . .
Vintage Farmhouse Christmas décor is timeless. . .whether done two years ago or last week. . .It all fits. . .which is why I'm sharing links with you today to Christmases past at The Country Farm Home. . .I was finding inspiration myself as I reviewed a few old posts, so I thought you might, too. . .Let's face it. . .Few of us look at old posts. . .such a shame because every blog is filled with inspiration from past Christmases. . .With easier access, they can be a huge source to get the ole creative juices flowing. . .
So here's Christmases in Review. . .Hope you'll take the time to click on the links and visit a few of the most popular Christmases posts. . .Not enough time? . . .Then enjoy the photos below. . .They put me in the Christmas Spirit. . .Hope they do the same for you. . .

This was my all time favorite table setting
and a hit with our guests. . .
They couldn't believe I put a bucket and boots on the table. . .
I remember this was an impromptu idea one day while doing a little fire cooking. . .
A Christmas treat for my Honey. . .
It includes a recipe link for my original recipe for Moon Pie Bread Pudding. . .

I made some pretty unusual choices to decorate the cupboards. . .
but it's been my favorite. . .


Another table setting that was a hit. . .all white and gold, crystal and china, memories and fun. . .

Fresh evergreens are my favorites to decorate with. . .
very simple to fill a crock or carrier with them and add vintage kitchen tools. . .
How easy is that?

The theme for the entire house was natural objects, brown paper wrappings,
evergreens, red birds, lots of white and bright. . .

My love of geraniums inspired this post. . .

Another of my favorites because it was something I did special for us. . .
an evening by firelight, spiced bread and hot cider, candlelight, plump pillows, soft throws. . .Christmas music in the background. . .We decided to make this a  yearly tradition. . .
I can see--and I'm sure you can--that my photo taking and editing has improved over the years. . .Practice does make perfect. . .Although I haven't reached perfection, I have enjoyed the challenge and learned so much. . .I have so loved sharing this journey with all of you. . .Hope there will be many more years to come. . .
Thanks for strolling down memory lane with me. . .
Hope it gives you a little inspiration in making your own Christmas  a special one.


  1. The look certainly is timeless and heartwarming!

  2. I can't tell you which one I liked the best...all were absolutely was the one with the poinsetta in the bucket with the boots! I do have a collection of enamelware that I may have to get inventive year, after I re-do my kitchen this spring. Thanks for reposting this lovely inspiration!

  3. I so enjoyed your look back at Christmases past! Your country farmhouse style is timeless to me and I loved looking at each photo so see what you used. Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing. Hugs. Pam

  4. Please come over and do my table. I started it, but I just can't seem to get the final look I want. I love all your tables....especially the boots!!

  5. Oh I love looking at old posts and seeing how things have changed. Loved your trip down memory lane. Such fun decorating ideas! That is one of the things I love about decorating, with a bit of shuffling it is so easy to come up with a whole new look. Thanks for the inspiration! I especially love the White table, but they are all beautiful.

  6. Oh Dru, I love every little thing you do!! lol, I am a poet. I remember many of these and they are drool worthy a second time. I am going to come back and visit each post.

  7. Oh, so lovely! You've given me some great ideas!

    Thank you, Vicki

  8. What a wonderful post! EVERYTHING looks just beautiful!

  9. You have that personal touch making your decor so warm and wonderful. Your photos are Christmas card worthy!
    Farmhouse hugs,


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .