
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Fall DIY Projects

It's FALL and I know many of you have already decorated. . .but I thought you might want to add a little more to your FALL DECOR with some DIY's that I've posted in the past that never go out of style here at THE COUNTRY FARM HOME. . .

Although I don't have a DYI for the garden cart above, if you are handy with a saw and drill, you can fashion a cart that fits your needs. . .This one was a Christmas present from John many years ago. . .I still love it and use it all seasons of the year. . .The only materials used were wood and a metal wheel that we picked up at an antique mall. 

Here it is from a FALL a few years ago. . .

And then there's the SHABBY BIRD CONDO made from two ammo cases. . . 

This was a project both John and I enjoyed. . .Over the years, I have decorated with whatever whim I had at the time. . .I think the above decor for the Shabby Condo is a favorite. . .but if you are more traditional, here's a much more colorful one. . .

We have dressed and displayed our HER CROWS for many years, according to the seasons. . .They add so much to the dynamic of the farmstead. . .In this HOW TO DRESS A HER CROW  I share everything from start to finish. . .

I like dressing our HER CROWS as Christmas Angels, too. . .In fact, any of these projects can be carried over into you Christmas decor. . .

For more DIY projects from THE COUNTRY FARM HOME. . .scroll to the bottom of the page for more links. . .

Have a. . .


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Finding Eight Years of Posts Easily and What's Going On With Blogger and This Site

UPDATE: Well, Thanks to the REAL TECH in the family (my brother), many of the problems I had with the blog have been fixed and I'm rebuilding some things that were lost. .  Thanks So Much, Bro! 

Scroll down and see what I'm doing with the eight years of posts. . .There are links that are listed in categories. . .More coming. . .Such as DIY, garden things, outside decor, seasonal things. . .This will be so much better. . .and easy access to all the posts. . .I will enjoy it, too. . .I had forgotten how many post I've done in eight years!