
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

In the Quiet of Our First Winter Fire

Oh, happy hearthstone! Oh, hour thrice blest
Where peace is the handmaid, and
love is the guest. - Rose Eliot Smith
The first fire of winter is special. . .symbolic of this season of lights. . .against the darkness of winter. . .The days have gotten shorter, the skies have become gray, and it seems as though the sun has abandoned us all. . .

To ward off the darkness of winter days, there is nothing like a good, warm-your-body-and-your-soul  fire, crackling and popping, inviting me to come stay a while and warm myself. . .until the cheeks redden. . .to be mesmerized by the playful dance of the yellow, orange and white flames. . .the pop of the wood. . .the glowing embers on the log. . .the otherwise quiet of the room. . .  . . .

I really should get back to my work. . .maybe in a few minutes. . .For now I want to sit still in the quiet and alone to stare into the flames and to remember that even the smallest amount of light can make a difference. . .in this room. . .in this life. . .in this world. . .

Our first fire heralds the beginning of Christmas celebrations. . .but it also beckons me to stop. . .in the warmth of its glow. . .to gather my thoughts. . .and to remember the real reason for the season. . .The coming days will be filled with 'busy-ness'. . .but for these few moments, I need to feel The Light and The Love that was so freely given. . .by a tiny baby so long ago. . .
 May 'PEACE be your handmaid. . .
and LOVE be your guest' this Holiday Season. . .



Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Holiday Issue Is Out and We're Featured Twice. . .


DELTA CROSSROADS HOLIDAY ISSUE is now on the stands. . .and online. . .FREE. . .
You'll find us in it twice. . .INSPIRATION taken from THE COUNTRY FARM HOME blog. . .
The Editor, Nancy Kemp, contacted us a few months ago, so it wasn't a BIG surprise.
But her layouts of those posts look so great in the magazine!!!
In fact, the entire issue is fantastic.

You know. . .we have a lot of wonderful people here in the Delta. . .
and so talented. . .
I am HUMBLED and BLESSED to be a part of it.

To view the entire issue Free:


or Check out our ORIGINAL POSTS at:


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Christmas Farmhouse Kitchen With a Mission

Did you hear the rumor going around? 
Christmas is almost here. . .

Oh. . .You heard, huh?
I'm sure you also heard that Black Friday is this week. . .Who hasn't? . .Well, I'm not sure John has. . .He hasn't mentioned it. . .Not that he would do any shopping. . .but he might suggest I go and pick out my own gift. . .as he has in the past. . .But. . .no. . .I haven't heard a word. . . 

I decided to take action and bring out some black and white for the kitchen. . .set up a little Christmas cheer. . .and reminder. . .before Thanksgiving. . .When he asks, "Why are you decorating for Christmas when it's Thanksgiving? And why all the black?' then I can reply, "Because Friday is BLACK FRIDAY!". . .You get my drift, don't you Ladies?

And what if he still doesn't take the bait? . .Then I might need to do something drastic. . .Like. . ."Let's go shopping Friday". . .without telling him he's about to enter a day of traffic jams and frantic shoppers. . .or. . .I could negotiate with. . ."If you'll take me shopping on Black Friday, then you'll have the weekend free for duck hunting". . .You know. . .Give a little. . .Take a little. . .

Yes. . .This is all in fun. . .tongue in cheek, so to speak. . .The end result is a plus, though. . .I've begun to bring in the evergreens and the candles and the vintage whites. . .It will be a 'natural' Christmas this year. . .but I'll tell you more about it next week. . .In the meantime. . .enjoy the photos. . .and eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie so you'll have plenty of energy for all that shopping. . .
You can bet I will. . .

Thursday, November 9, 2017

From My Cookbook to Yours: Seasoned Southern Style

"After years of trying new recipes with a long list of ingredients, seeking healthy alternatives to gluten and dairy, trying to eliminate preservatives and pesticides, I have decided to return to the food of my childhood. . .simple foods made from scratch (mostly) and of the freshest ingredients I can find. . .I think today's term for this way of thinking is 'eating clean'. . .I call it common sense. . ."
Come join me in my journey of revisiting tried but true recipes and methods of cooking from the local Delta community. . .Simply Good Food. . .SEASONED SOUTHERN STYLE. . .READ MORE. . .