
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

In the Quiet of Our First Winter Fire

Oh, happy hearthstone! Oh, hour thrice blest
Where peace is the handmaid, and
love is the guest. - Rose Eliot Smith
The first fire of winter is special. . .symbolic of this season of lights. . .against the darkness of winter. . .The days have gotten shorter, the skies have become gray, and it seems as though the sun has abandoned us all. . .

To ward off the darkness of winter days, there is nothing like a good, warm-your-body-and-your-soul  fire, crackling and popping, inviting me to come stay a while and warm myself. . .until the cheeks redden. . .to be mesmerized by the playful dance of the yellow, orange and white flames. . .the pop of the wood. . .the glowing embers on the log. . .the otherwise quiet of the room. . .  . . .

I really should get back to my work. . .maybe in a few minutes. . .For now I want to sit still in the quiet and alone to stare into the flames and to remember that even the smallest amount of light can make a difference. . .in this room. . .in this life. . .in this world. . .

Our first fire heralds the beginning of Christmas celebrations. . .but it also beckons me to stop. . .in the warmth of its glow. . .to gather my thoughts. . .and to remember the real reason for the season. . .The coming days will be filled with 'busy-ness'. . .but for these few moments, I need to feel The Light and The Love that was so freely given. . .by a tiny baby so long ago. . .
 May 'PEACE be your handmaid. . .
and LOVE be your guest' this Holiday Season. . .




  1. Beautiful fire, beautiful setting, beautifully written.

  2. Oh, I had missed this beautiful post. The fireplace is wonderful. The fire so warm and comforting. I love you country home!


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