
Monday, May 8, 2017

Farm Junkin' for the Breezeway Porch

From COWGIRL WESTERN to a RUSTIC FARMHOUSE STYLE for now to BLACK TIE AND BLUE JEANS coming later. . .poor John says he can't keep up. . .He never knows when he walks in the door what theme he'll be living in.
Personally, I don't see it as a bad thing. . .Keeps him guessing. . .as well as others. . .Adds a little spice to our FARM LIFE. . .

This past weekend, I cleared out everything from our breezeway porch. . .What a job, too! . .But once it was all out, I could visualize better the elements I wanted to keep. . .and those I needed to 'go junkin' for. . .Some times a person just has to start from the beginning. . .in order to see new possibilities. . .In doing so, I feel we acquired a whole NEW ROOM in the house. . .Before. . .the room was full of cast-offs and plants and extra wicker pieces too fragile to sit on. . . .It was time to change it up--and gain another usable room. . .It also gave me a chance to go JUNKIN' at a different place. . .right here at OUR FARM. . .Let's face it. . .I have one of just about everything. . .if I can only find it. 

I tried to look at things with a new attitude. . .Items I could paint or fix for a coordinated room. . .not a flea market cast-off, don't-know-where-else-to-put-it room. . .These made the cut. . .

The CUPBOARDS will need a new coat of paint. . .as will the CHAIRS. . .I think I'll keep the VAULTED CEILING natural. . .as I will the COTTON BASKET. . .Need facings on the doors and windows, but maybe a fresh coat of paint on the walls first? . .All changes that will have to wait a week or two. . .or more. . .In the meantime, I wanted to enjoy this new-found space. . .for having my morning coffee. . .and maybe some lunches. . .I needed it to work right now. . .Hmmmmm. . .I stood back and thought. . .'Let's go with a RUSTIC, SIMPLE STYLE. . .a little SHAKER and a little PRIM and a little PLAIN OLE FARMHOUSE.' . . .I knew what I needed to complete the look. . .that library TABLE in our store museum from my old high school. . .It would make a perfect FARM TABLE. . .that I can also paint later. . .It's been well-used and loved over the years. . .No one ever noticed it in the store building (including us) because it was heaped and covered up with way too much 'stuff.'

It's seen some rough times. . .but that only adds to its PATINA and PERSONALITY. . .Notice the very worn lower crossbar. . .from hundreds of students propping their feet on it daily. . .including myself. . .Eventually, I'll shabby paint the bottom and refinish the top. . .There are many water rings I'd like to remove. . .That will come later. . .

While talking John into helping me move the table, I did a little more 'FARM JUNKIN' but limited myself to only a few accessories. . .including a 48 STAR FLAG that has seen better days but I cannot part with it. . .I was reminded that Memorial Day is soon. . .I thought it would be appropriate. . .

This will work out well until we can get to the task of painting and trimming. . .I like the RUSTIC FARM LOOK. . .What I like the most is less--FAR LESS--clutter and only a few loved pieces that will work even better together once I get out the paint bucket. . .Evidence that my goal to SIMPLIFY is finally on it's way throughout the house. . .FINALLY. . .and I'm LOVING it.

1 comment:

  1. You have some wonderful elements to decorate with in your breezeway porch. It would be fun and I can't wait to see the end result! Have a good week ahead! Pam


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