
Sunday, March 22, 2015

SUNDAY: Heart Song

"Once upon a time there was a great man who had a little girl. As she was growing up, the man would hug her and tell her, "I love you, little girl." The girl would pout and say, "I'm not your little girl anymore." The man would laugh and say, "You'll always be my little girl."
Even after she left home and went into the world, the man would call her and say, "I love you, little girl." The day came when she received a phone call that the great man had a stroke. He couldn't tell the little girl, who was not so little anymore, that he loved her, and so she went to his side.
When she arrived, he looked small and not so strong at all. He tried to speak, but he could not. The girl climbed up on the bed next to the great man and laid her head on his chest. She thought of how she had always felt protected and loved by him. She felt grief for his words of comfort and the loss she was about to endure. Then she heard, from deep within, his heart beating out the words he could no longer say. . .I love you, little girl. . .I love you, little girl. . .and she was comforted." --Patty Hansen from Condensed Chicken Soup for the Soul

While I did not write Heart Song,
it IS my story of a deep and loving relationship I shared with Daddy. . .
I was there when he passed into another life. . .
His last words were,  "Love you."
Daddy's birthday is this week. . .
Thank you for allowing me to be a bit sentimental. . .
in remembering a great man in my life. . .

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Yikes! Stripes!

Know what I like the most about our bath? . .It's so versatile. . .It can be dressed up or dressed down. . .It can be made plain and simple or shabby chic frilly. . .It can easily change with the seasons. . .or change every week for that matter. . .With a large room, strategic placement of "necessaries", and a background that doesn't interfere with most themes, the bath lends itself to any number of farmhouse styles. . .rustic. . .simple. . .chic. . .country. . .

It was by way of a subtle suggestion that I recently changed the bath. . .again. . .It's all the Honey's fault. . .(grin). . .At the time I began gathering ticking for the living room, I also pulled out anything that had stripes. . .mainly to find out how big a stash I had. . .The piles ended up being stacked in the bath. . .in various places. . . 

"Hey. . .That looks good in there" said the Honey one morning.
"I'm collecting for the living room." . . .I was half listening.
"Oh. . .Okay. But I like it" and he was off to begin his day.
About five minutes later, it dawned on me what he said. . .more so that he noticed at all. . .I went to look for myself. . .began pulling a few items from the piles. . .and Voila!!! . .A new look. . .

Ticking and stripes are a huge decorating statement this Spring. . .Around here it's very hard to find vintage ticking. . .but there's plenty new ticking to be found at fabric stores. . .I'm really glad the Honey made the suggestion. . .

While we're in the bath. . .did you see the post at OUR OLD COUNTRY STORE about OLD TIME FARMHOUSE all natural soaps? . .I used them in the bath décor this winter. . .The room smelled fresh and clean. . .but not over-powering. . .My skin loved them, too. . .You know. . .Mother's Day is coming up. . .These soaps in a basket would make a great gift. . .(hint hint). . .I get no compensation for any sales. . .Only wanted to pass along a true discovery. . .

 I certainly hope Spring is coming your way. . .The sun is finally out here and the fields are drying up. . .Won't be long before I venture outdoors to play in the dirt. . .I'm definitely getting a touch of Spring fever. . .Happens every year about this time. . .

Friday, March 13, 2015

Decorating With Something Simple. . .Brooms

"At one time, a farmhouse wasn't complete without a set of brooms and whisks to sweep the dirt out the door, clear the cobwebs out of the corners, whisk away the fireplace ashes, and quickly remove crumbs from the table."

Brooms are no longer an important cleaning tool for the farmhouse. . .but they can be an interesting decorating element. . .I find myself buying vintage brooms as often as I see them. . . and have quite a collection. . .It's also a folk art that is no longer practiced in this area of the Delta. . .So, John and I decided to revive it. . .to learn how to make simple round and whisk brooms. . .Where better to learn than at Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill in Kentucky, since the Shakers were the ones who 'invented' the technique of making the flat broom that we all know. . .We headed to Kentucky for a weekend workshop. . .If you'd like to learn more about our experience--read the story of 'sweeping the yard', see more of our broom-making weekend, and find links to tutorials and other broom-making information, I have another post at: The Folk Art of Brooms and Broom-making . . .This post is all about decorating with a very common element. . .the broom. . .

Many think using brooms in their décor requires a primitive setting. . .or a Fall vignette. . .Not true. . .Brooms add a touch of plain and simple style anytime of the year. . .I enjoy adding broom accents to our farmhouse because they are a part of our heritage. . .and because I actually use them. . .I'm sure you've noticed them before in my posts. . .Such as this one on REAL SIMPLE STYLE . . .
What could be more 'FARMHOUSE' than this? 
Another reason to use brooms in your décor is that they are relatively cheap. . .Buy them at flea markets and antique malls and you'll get a double perk: Inexpensive and Instant Patina. . .I do prefer the vintage or handmade brooms for my own collection and use. . .but it's not necessary.

Yep. . .We made these at the workshop. . .We do need practice. . .(smile). . .Yet, our attempts make a decorating statement when stacked in a wooden bread bowl. . .
I've included a few more decorating ideas below. . .some favorites from my  PINTEREST BOARDS. . .

Ever changing chalkboard wall - now turned into the Hocus Pocus Broom Co. for Halloween.  The names of the brooms are a little tricky to read, but there is (from left to right) the Haunted Hog, Frightful Flyer, Cauldron Lowrider, Swift Sweeper, and The Wicked Witch broom with the bent & wonky handle.


Spring Cleaning


Vintage Collection Brooms on Rake Head GREAT Display

~antique whisk brooms on garden rake~ ~red wagon on top of old sewing machine base~ ~Wooden & wire sieves~!  <3

The Country Farm Home: Remember the Prim Cabinet Yard Sale Find?



The Country Farm Home
So LOVELY. . .So FARMHOUSE. . .Brings a SMILE. . .
Hey. . .I just had a thought. . .Maybe part of that smile is. . .

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

We're Gonna Be In Pictures. . .Winter Canning. . .Decorating Update. . .and Other News. . .What a Week!!!!!

Wheeee. . .What a week. . .Have you been curious about what we've been up to? . .To begin. . .on Sunday. . .with banks of snow still piled high and the threat of rain. . .Carter Moody made his way to the Duncan Farmstead to begin filming a documentary about the history of Dell (AR)--past and present . . .The Arkansas Historic Places Student Film Competition was suggested to Carter by the East School facilitator Mrs. Bell. She knew of his interest in filmmaking and local history, encouraging him to enter. . .As it turned out, the project has become two-fold. . . First to enter the Arkansas competition with a 15 minute documentary, in which he could choose a building or a place of historical significance. . .He decided instead of a single building that he wanted to document the town of Dell and its history. . .how it has changed over the years. He realized that many of the stories are being lost and wanted to help record some of them. . .maybe teach others a little of our Delta history along the way. . SEE AND .READ MORE. . .
We got tons of snow and ice. . .READ MORE. . . If you are like me. . .you're tired of SNOW and ICE. . .But, it was beautiful at the farm. . .Really a wonderful background for our buildings. . .

I've been BUSY canning Pumpkin Butter like mad. . .If you missed the recipe, start HERE. . . for Part One. . .and HERE. . . for Part Two. . .Don't have pumpkin? . .Substitute with squash. . .
We cooked the pumpkins in the fireplace last Fall and froze the pulp for canning later. . .Good old iron pots are the best to cook pumpkin in. . .Gives it a roasted flavor. . .Did you see the post on SEASONING CAST IRON COOKWARE? . .LINK UP HERE. . .
I'm also working a little at a time on the living room. . .Unfortunately, we've had to slow it down. . .John pulled ligaments and tendons in his shoulder. . .He's going to physical therapy to try and correct it. . .If not, there may be surgery involved. . .So I'm doing what I can along the way. . .Just as soon as I can get to storage to get supplies, I'll be sharing some DIY tutorials on my projects. . .I'm actually working on two rooms at one time. . .the living room and a change in the bedroom. . .If you missed my plans for the living room, CLICK HERE. . .

It's coming along. . .little by little. . .Don't give up on me!!!!!

I've also been spending a lot of time with my Boo at  Dr. Cato's office. . .every spare minute I have. . .He's been VERY ill in his struggle with ADDISON'S DISEASE. . .I've sat and held him for hours. . .He's not in pain. . .I wouldn't let him go through that. . .He just feels very tired and 'out of it'. . .The Good News is that he's coming home today for an overnight stay after being gone for a month. . .We're so excited. . .I doubt I'll be doing much the rest of the day so I can spend time with him. . .I've said it before, but I'll say it again. . .It's amazing how our companions take over our hearts. . .
I'm working on a post coming up in a day or two. . .I'm finally getting to the reason John and I visited Shaker Village in Kentucky last Fall. . .There's a hint below. . .(grin). . .It will involve lots of decorating inspiration. . .

Like I said. . .It's been some week. . .and here come John with Boo. . .Guess you won't mind me saying 'TOODLES' for now? . .See ya again in a few days. . .

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spring Starts in the Bath

It's SPRING in the bathroom. . .I'm ignoring the 10"+ of snow and 2" of ice outside the window. . .It began with the gorgeous yellow roses that my Honey brought home. . .and a ducky Thrift Store find. .

Every time I look at this hand towel, I think about one Easter when I was six. . .For years I begged for baby ducks at Easter. . .That year I talked Daddy into a couple of them. . .one for me. . .one for my brother. . .I named them Bonnie and Clyde. . .I was so happy. . .carrying that little ball of fluff everywhere. . .watching them swim in a #3 washtub of water. . .I could barely sit through church for anticipating the fun I would have with the baby ducks waiting for me at home. . .
But then. . .as with all babies. . .my ducks grew up and became a nuisance to us all. . .Mama went on the rampage when they trampled down her flowers. . .I lost interest, too, after Clyde nipped my hand as I tried to move him away from Mama's wrath. . .I didn't protest one bit when Daddy decided Bonnie and Clyde would be much happier (and us, too) at a local park, where there was a small lake and other ducks to keep them company. . .That Sunday afternoon, we all packed into the station wagon with the very loud and fussy ducks. . .off to Walker Park in Blytheville. . .You've heard the saying, "Like a duck to water". . .I honestly think I saw smiles on Bonnie and Clyde's faces when they were set free along the edge of the lake. . .They didn't look back either as I blew them kisses 'Good-bye'. . .

We visited Bonnie and Clyde several times. . .but after a while, I didn't ask to go anymore. . .My duck love was over. . .It might sound like a sad story but it actually was a good lesson for me. . .Cute and cuddly eventually grows up. . .Life changes. . .'Children' become adults. . .and strike out on their own. . .It's the circle of life. . .a good lesson to learn at such a young age.

I suppose it could also encourage all of us who are snowed and iced in this 5th day of March. . .SPRING WILL COME. . .and Life will continue on as it should. . .

But. . .I'm helping it along a little faster in the bath. . .I guess you can see that I'm stepping out of the my usual neutral palette. . .with the soft pastels of SPRING. . .The bath is the perfect place to stage such as palette with it's soft blue wainscoting below the off-white walls. . . Such a simple little change that has made such a big difference. . .

I do have one thing to admit to you. . .As I gazed out the window this morning at the huge drifts of white. . .the six year old within me could hardly wait to go out and play. . .ready to discover the winter wonderland we rarely get here in the South. . .So maybe for just a little while since the sun has come out?
If I could only find those BOOTS. . .

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Last of Winter...Inside

This is it, Everyone! The last of Winter inside THE COUNTRY FARM HOME. . .

I'm so determined that Winter is (almost) over. . .After last week when John and I were cabin bound on top of a mountain in Alabama. . .

Monte Sano State Park, Huntsville, Alabama

we returned home to more ice and snow--OUTSIDE. . .But that doesn't mean I have to put up with Winter any longer inside, does it? . .So, here's the last of INSIDE WINTER before it disappears. . .

My thoughts are already shifting to sunshine and jonquils. . .

Good-bye OLD MAN WINTER. . .SPRING is on the way. . .
INSIDE. . .(smile)