
Sunday, November 16, 2014

SUNDAY: Wonderfully Made

That's my Mama. . .the one with the curls. . .
Hands on her hips. . .Eyebrow raised. . .An attitude.
I don't know under what circumstances this photo was taken,
 but I can tell you it wasn't something my Mom particularly agreed with.
"The Look"--as we fondly called it--never changed her entire life. . .
My Dad, my brother, my cousins. . .Shoot. . .
Everyone in the entire town of Dell knew when they saw that look,
they had best high tail it in the opposite direction.
We all knew "The Look". . .yet. . .over the years it became endearing. . .
endearing because it was a part of Mom's many faceted personality.
She wouldn't have been Mama if she was anything less.
I don't know about you. . .but I have to admit that so often I'm influenced by the world to adjust my own personality and become "socially correct". . .My goals, my interests, my priorities, my general way of thinking is so often bombarded under pressure to give up and fall in line with others . .At those times, when the pressure gets too great, it's a reminder to step back and ask myself if I'm being true to who I am. . .because I KNOW I'll never find peace and happiness until then.

We are each unique and wonderfully made. . .God says so. . . Just as Mom was who she was. . .so I must be. . .so we all should be. . .It might be the road less traveled but it's also the legacy we leave. . .Our little imprint on LIFE. . .EMBRACE IT. . .


  1. We each bring our own uniqueness to this world. Our heritage, our likes, dislikes, personality, life's experiences put altogether create a unique us, me. That's how God designed it. Great post! Blessings, Diane

  2. Good reminder! And love the photo of your Mama!

  3. I love this post. What a cute photo of your mom! And it's so true, we are all made in God's image - no mistakes. And I find it so interesting that people's personalities are there, God-given, right at birth.

  4. Well, I'm probably like your Mama even to the hands on my hips. I remember when my Mother remarried when I was 5 and she was standing in front of the bathroom mirror fixing her hair and I came in looking pretty much like your Mama in that picture. I asked her why she married my new step dad. She said so I would have a father. I told her..."Well, you could've asked me!" And I stomped out of the room. I've been that way my whole life. I fight against injustice, bullies, mean people, liars and I don't suffer fools! LOL!
    But I must admit, I live a pretty solitary existence. I'm a black sheep where ever I go but I am me and I make no apologies. If I were a man I'd be respected but as a single woman most think I don't "know my place"! Ha! Ha!
    My "place" is dang well wherever I want it to be! LOL!
    If you need any support in how to stand in your own truth you just give me a call! I got plenty of "gumption" to go around! Ha! Ha!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .