
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Lessons from the Past for a Plain and Simple Farmhouse Style?

Can you imagine these cabinets custom built for a FARMHOUSE KITCHEN?
I can.
No one would question if they were vintage or not. . .the assumption would be that they were. . .
They are so reminiscent of a country store, aren't they?
Would you believe they are from the 18th century?
 I'd paint them white for my FARMHOUSE. . .but I do like the colors represented here, too.
Notice how the inside of the cabinets are painted white to match the wall of the open shelving. . .
or is that the wall?
These photos were taken at the Colonial Williamsburg apothecary. . .I hesitated sharing them because of the differences in color. . .They were all taken the same day, at the same time, at the same place, the same set of cabinets. . .but depending on the light (I guess?) my camera picked up several colors. . . .Then I realized they make for good examples of how different shades of color can change the look. . .From the gray-blue in the above photo. . .

to a brighter green. . .

a bit darker gray-blue. . .

a pale green. . .

and almost a gray. . .much like the color of my own PIE SAFE. . .
I like the no frills, plain and simple contents of the upper cupboards and open shelves, too.
A place for everything and everything in its place.
When we started putting down our new floor in the bedroom last week, everything had to come out. . .the furniture, the accessories, the rugs. . .The night before we did leave the bed and the dresser. . .I enjoyed the simplicity of the room. . .The room looked larger and I could see that cleaning would sure be a lot easier without all the clutter.
From the beginning of The Country Farm Home blog I was thinking Plain and Simple Style but it's been a gradual change for me. . .It's taking a while to embrace it fully. . .but I do find myself going for less and less and thinking about a huge estate sale more and more. . .Again I'm drawn to the 'less is more' as in these photos. . .Not only that, it's the concept of everything having a use and/or be pleasing to the eye. . .

There's plenty inspiration here for a super FARMHOUSE KITCHEN look. . .Everyone who knows me knows I love Colonial Williamsburg. . .I find much inspiration there--keeping an eye to the past while seeing into the now. . .I'm falling in love with the open shelving paired with the glass door cupboards. . .trying to figure out how to break the news to John for maybe a few additions to the kitchen. . .I think I'll wait to mention it until our flooring is done. . .and after Christmas. . .Give John some time to recuperate. . .and time for me to do a little more planning. . .Do you think I'll ever quit having ideas for our FARMHOUSE? . . I'm sure John wishes I would. . .(a WINK and a SMILE)

(A ghost from the past?)


  1. Wow, wouldn't those make great kitchen cabinets! Love all those drawers. And the color on the first photo is my choice. They're beautiful.

  2. Love love those cupboards! I have been thinking of a few changes I would like to do in my kitchen. Someday I would love to have one wall of floor to ceiling cabinets. I think it would give the kitchen back some of it's 1920s charm. I also would love to move the washer and dryer to the kitchen. Such a balance, to remember to be happy with what we have, yet to still have fun dreaming!

  3. This made me smile. I'm going through colors to decide what to paint my kitchen cupboards. They will be a shade of gray, blue, or green. I know I'm on the right track after seeing your photos!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  4. Those cabinets would look beautiful in a farmhouse kitchen. I love the simplicity of open shelves as well, pretty photos.

  5. OH I so love them.... We are going to really downsize and I plan to have some open shelves and glass on my doors. Love those pics and hard to say which shade I like most. But I agree less is more in a lot of times. I need a huge sale too! going for 3 stories of a modest house to a 670 sqft cabin on our land in the woods!!! will be a change but such an adventure too!

  6. I recognized those cabinets right away, since I live in Williamsburg! Fascinated at the change in color based on the light and angle, but each still had colonial hues, love them all.

  7. Beautiful and I would take it as is!
    Since when did they start "gypping" the American kitchens of all their cupboard space? I had the original cupboards on my farm and they were huge and tall and you could fit anything in them. Here, I have a fairly up to date kitchen and absolutely no room for anything!
    I want those cupboards...I'm with you! You go girl!

  8. Oh my Dru, if I had remembered these from Williamsburg you can bet I would have added something like this in my basement farmhouse kitchen. I love, love them! And yes, I think it's just the wall. You might remember that we did our firepit with brick bats to look like the paths in Williamsburg. I love it there too! Their garden area was drool worthy. lol!


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