
Monday, October 21, 2013

A Wonderful Farm Dress Find, A Potpourri of Tidbits, and A Blog Break Update

I love this worn, torn and stained farm dress I ran across in some of my wanderings this past month. . . .
It says so much without actually speaking any words. . . .

An everyday, cotton work dress. . . .so simple and plain. . . .yet, with a little 'spice' of added rickrack. . . .So typical of Delta farm wives. . . .There's something comforting in it for me. . . .a feeling I'd like to curl up in the lap of this unknown woman. . . .to be cuddled. . . .safe and secure. . . .

It makes me smile. . . .and brings back sweet memories. . . .

Hi Everyone! I've missed you all!
It's been a while, hasn't it?
Unfortunately, I'm still on 'Blog Break'. . . .
but wanted to share the farm dress with you. . . .and 'what's happening at the farmhouse'
My goodness! I get more excited over an old, worn out farm dress than a brand new fashionable one. . . .Well, that's just me. . . .loving the plain and simple. . . .the things with wear and flaws. . . .sort of like me, when I think about it!

I thought I'd remind you that I've done some posting on Facebook this past month. . . .

I shared a family recipe for my famous (famous with my family and friends, that is ) Crispy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies. . . .Now I know there's jillions of oatmeal cookie recipes, but I love this one because anything can be added to the basic recipe--raisins, coconut, pecans, dried fruit, a little pumpkin, butterscotch chips. . . .It's endless. . . .Just leave the chocolate chips out of the recipe and you have the basic dough. . . .make additions from there!
You can find the recipe on Facebook.

We harvested our apples. . . .
I revealed a very unique scarecrow from the past. . . .notice the 'details'. . . .so funny. . . .

I've started gathering vintage bed covers. . . .for what?
Slipcovers for the two living room couches!
Once the weather gets colder, I'll start stitching them up.

And at Our Old Country Store, I began something new. . . .
In the future, I'll be sharing a few of my designs, ideas, and patterns along the way--
all those things that keep my creative juices flowing. . .
Last week there was a free Cotton Pickin' Wool Folk Art Pattern. . . .
I also had a brainstorm--out of necessity--on how to make Five Looms from Two

as well as updates on a new item for sale.
Yes, I've been busy. . . .
awfully busy. . . . 
with the farm and working as John's right hand (wo)man. . . .
Whew. . . .He can be a slave driver!
But, we're working through the list--little by little.
And, we enjoy doing it together. . . .
John's such a dear anyway. . . .truly a special blessing.
Yet, I do miss blogging and have found a little comfort in the quick Facebook posts
and the occasional posts at Our Old Country Store.
So, if you get curious about what's going on here at The Country Farm Home,
hop on over there and find out!
I'd love to hear from you!
I WILL be back to blogging at The Country Farm Home as soon as possible. . . .
and will try to hop in every now and then with a few updates.
Hope all is well with you. . . .and You're having a wonderful Fall.
Til next time. . . .
. . . from my farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. I've been on blog break too, sometimes life just gives us things that make us take a break. I love your photos, all so enjoyable! xo

  2. Thanks for the update and it's good to hear you are doing well. Farm life is busy for you and sometimes we all need to take a break. Love the old dress and your photos are beautiful. Blessings, Pamela

  3. Good to hear the update! You are one busy lady. keep us updated now and then.

  4. It´s so good to hear from you again! I´ve been on a more-or-less-forced blog break too; pretty much like you, I think that sometimes we need to adjust the schedule and redefine our priorities if we really want our lives to have any SENSE. However, I still love to visit the blogs that inspire my soul... and you certainly have the touch ;) I´m not a Facebook kinda girl, but I´ll be visiting to get your news...
    Warmest hugs from Uruguay!

  5. I was just thinking about you! And missing your cheery comments. Glad you are doing good, hope to see you back soon!

  6. So glad you enjoying your break. I have been mia from blog world. I have just been so busy. Love your old farmdress....Blessings and hoping you come back soon.

  7. I love the cotton farmd dress, too! Can you imagine the stories that could be told if it could only talk?? Sigh....I'm sure that we would consider our lives very easy compared to the housewife of earlier years!
    Thank you for giving us an update of what you've been up to. I haven't checkec on your FB page. Thank you for the reminder!

  8. So glad you posted to give us an update. I sure have missed you. Love the farmhouse dress...great find.

  9. I've missed you too! I do see your "pins" on Pinterest, I love seeing what you pin. I am working on a rag rug and get a lot of inspiration from your photos and advice. Color planning is hard! Hope to see more from you soon!

  10. What a wonderful find! Those cookies look so good. And I love that old photo of the farm wife.

    Amy Jo

  11. So wonderful to hear from you Dru! Sounds like you have been very busy.
    I loved seeing all of your photos. That old country farm dress was a special find indeed. They are hard to come by now. I too have a collection of vintage bed covers and love to use them in the summer,so fresh and airy.
    Thank you for the cookie recipe. I will have to try it. I don't seem to make many cookies anymore since our girls have grown up. I should start doing it again. I remember when our girls were teenagers and a young man was visiting, he asked if I had any cookies because I always had the best. The good old days.
    Have a wonderful Fall and I will be looking forward to future post.

  12. Dru, I love the cotton dress too! My sis gave me an old pair of long johns. Hung them in the basement guest bedroom and they make me want to jump right in them. lol! I love the wool project. Must check it out! Glad things are going well. Hurry back! We miss you!

  13. You sure have been busy! I been so happy to keep up with you on face book. you have some great things you are doing and I bet the time with John is sweet. Take care of yourself.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .