
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Taking a Break Blues

I'm singing the blues today. . . .It's not a song I can say I'm enjoying . . . .
but one that's become necessary--"due to circumstances beyond my control". . . .
and believe me, I've tried my hardest to control those circumstances!
This summer has been a long and complicated one. . . .
health issues. . . .time issues. . . . deadlines to make. . . .
borrowed computers. . . .a broken camera. . . .
issues with the net provider. . . .It's just gone on and on. . . .
The last straw was the loss of my computer. . . .
It all began over a month ago, when I opened it early one morning
and only got a blank screen. . . .
Took it to the doctor (Geek Squad). . .
They thought they could bring it back to life.
One day last week, they notified me of the grim news. . . .
The computer was "gone". . . .and where did I want to bury it?
I lost five years of documents. . . .and this entire year of photographs.
I can salvage a few of the documents from my flash drives. . . .
and many of the photographs from my blog and Facebook. . . .
but it's still been a huge loss.
I had just bought a portable hard drive with the intention of storing our files on it. . . .
It was still in the bag when my computer went down.
Wouldn't you know it?
And now, 'duty and responsibilities' also call. . . .
John needs my help with the remainder of the farm maintenance and renovations
before winter sets in. . . .
There won't be a minute to spare with all the projects we need to complete. . . .
My health issues this summer have hindered our progress.
There's also talk from two popular magazines that plan
to feature The Country Farm Home next year.
We're very excited about that. . . .plans are in the making. . . .
but first we have too finish our renovations and projects already started.
The bottom line is. . . .
I must take a break from blogging at The Country Farm Home for a while. . . .
I won't be totally 'gone' though. . . .
I'll be visiting your blogs and you can email me anytime. . . .
I plan to continue to add links on this blog's side column for older posts
that you might want to read again or might have missed the first time around. . . .
plus, I hope to pop in every now and then to give you an update on our progress, too.
You can also join me at
. . . .AND at. . . .
where orders will be filled, as usual.
During this break at The Country Farm Home,
 I'll be posting now and then  at Our Old Country Store.
I have lots of goodies and tips to show you there. . . .
not just about Rag Rugs
 but Farmhouse crafts, quilting, junkin' finds, apron patterns, and more. . . .
Nothing fancy. . . .
Just some good old Farmhouse style inspiration. . . .
from myself and others. . . .

 So. . . .even though I'm singing the blues here at
The Country Farm Home for a time, I haven't totally left you.
I just find myself in need of time to re-group, re-think,
and do my share of the work around the farm.

Let me apologize to you who have emailed and/or commented
this summer and haven't heard back from me.
When I did have a computer, there was too much 'paperwork' to take care of.
I hope to purchase a new computer soon
and everything should calm down a little--I HOPE!

Again, you can join and/or follow me anytime at these locations:

Our Old Country Store 



or Email Me

I'll be in touch. . .You stay in touch, too!
Time to put my overalls on and get to work!

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .



  1. I'm really sorry to hear that you have had such a rough summer. Oh my. I can' understand your need to step back from blogging for a while as you help your husband with the farm chores before winter. Hopefully we'll see you back to blogging again soon. Take care and God bless. Hugs, Pamela

  2. I am so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your computer. Having a zillion photos on mine and so many important documents, I know how tough it would be to lose it all. Hoping your year goes uphill from here. BTW, those photos are absolutely lovely!

  3. Things just have to be done sometimes. I hope it all goes well for you and you are able to get the farm tasks done. We will miss you.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your very rough summer! Whatever you health issues may be, please take care of yourself. You'll be missed, but look forward to your return.
    Can I suggest that you think about getting an Apple computer. They may be a little more expensive, but are very user friendly and I've never had a virus.
    Mary Alice

  5. Sorry to hear about your summer. I think we can agree 2013 has not been a great year. We had a lot of circumstances this year as well. Here's to hoping 2014 is wonderful for each and every one of us!


  6. So sad about your computer! I can't imagine.....
    I hope and pray that you get all your projects done swiftly and efficiently(such an important thing when the list is long!) and you will soon be settled in for the winter with a new computer!

    By the way, I love how you frequently change your header photo. They are all so pretty!

  7. So sorry to hear of all your woes! Taking time off is a good thing for you. I feel there are never enough hours in a day and for me anyway the days seem to be getting shorter.
    I think computers are not always a good thing, gimmie' the good ole' days. I have a computer that died and I still have not retrieved my photos from it. We will miss you. Hope your year improves and hope to see you blogging again!

  8. Computers will bite you when you aren't looking. I finally learned to keep a drive in the USB slot on the back and every time I get done putting photos or documents on the hard drive, I move them over to the usb drive.
    It is the cheapest solution but takes discipline unfortunately.

  9. So sorry to hear all of this..... I pray things get better soon. Computers are supposed to help but sometimes end up being in such control of all our lives....Take your break.(not really a break) and gets things done. I will greatly miss you. You left us with some beauties to ponder and look at. You look great in your bibs....Get that work done and get back soon. Blessings!

  10. Dru,
    We will all be here when you come back to blogging. Sometimes life takes over and has to be the priority.
    I believe things happen for a reason and there are just other things that need your attention. Good luck with all you have going. Sounds exciting.

  11. So sorry to hear this but totally understand. I love your blog and your photos are so gorgeous...btw, that new blog header is so beautiful! Do what you need to do and will be looking forward to your return. Also, your post got me to thinking...I REALLY need to get ALL of my pics onto my little portable hard drive...very soon!

    Take care!


  12. Life has it's way of getting our attention in other ways...enjoy your break...and try to hurry back!

  13. Do hurry back Dru, I, as many, will certainly miss seeing your new posts and getting inspiration fro them. The only good thing is I know you WILL be back. Please do take it easy. Don't over do it. . . and get that external hard drive up and going.

    2 magazines looking at your house for their publications is so exciting. . . but not surprising. . . your home is beautiful.

  14. I enjoy your blog! You have all my sympathy with the computer problems. It gets you where you live. I hope all those things smooth out for you!

  15. Ick! Life happens sometimes at an inopportune time and sometimes just for much needed rest.
    This could work out to be a blessing in disguise.
    Glad your health is well enough to be a help-meet to your hubby.
    We'll keep in touch!
    Post when you get a chance. Pat

  16. I certainly understand...take your time. I am so sorry about the photos....that HURTS!
    blessings, jill

  17. I can certainly understand why you are taking a blogging break. So sorry to hear about your computer crashing. We will miss you and your inspiring posts. Even though you've had a difficult summer, it's exciting that you will get some magazine features!

  18. Oh yikes!! Have you thought about taking your computer somewhere else for a second opinion? Seriously. I have a photographer friend who had thought she lost all of her photos from her business when her computer crashed but, thankfully, after much persistence and looking for just the right person, everything was retrieved and she didn't lose a single photo. She now stores them on an external hard drive :)
    Time for yourself and family is always the top priority so everyone understands but you will be sorely missed. I haven't looked in your Country Store for a long time....maybe I need to do some shopping ;)

  19. When it rains, it most surely pours, doesn't it?

  20. I will miss you Dru, and will keep you in my prayers. So excited for you about the magazine shoot! Love your blog and will continue to keep in touch!

  21. Dru...I will miss you while you are on your much needed blogging break. What exciting news about the magazines!!
    Hope to see ya again soon.

  22. My computer got really sick this summer as well and I was so worried to loose all the lessons I have on it for my pupils! I will miss your posts.

  23. Losing your computer files on top of health issues, just adds insult to injury. I understand your need to step back, regroup, reorganize, prioritize and rest in between. I will keep it all in my prayers and thank you for being such a comfort this year in my own times of troubles. I am encouraged to know that you always keep a positive attitude and know you will be back in full. Congratulations on your magazine stories. That is such a huge compliment for you and really wonderful. Enjoy the farm and time with John.

  24. Losing your computer and having health problems sucks.
    I hope everything works out during your break.

  25. Dru, I wish you the best.......will be here when you return.

  26. oh no, i'm so sorry to hear that...and you've reminded me that i really need to do something with all the pictures on mine. we'll all be here when you get back!

  27. Hello!

    Just found here:)
    Your blog is beutiful, cosy and just so lovely!♥

    Greetings from Finland,

  28. Thinking of you. Just wanted to hop in and say, 'hi'. Hope you are feeling better!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .