
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The CEO is in Charge

The CEO of  The Country Farm Home is in charge for the next few days. . . .
I'm taking some time off--but will be back next week!

In the meantime, Boo will be in charge--of the house and of John. . . .

See Ya Soon!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Farmhouse Style Kitchens with Checkerboard Floors

Last week I was doing a little pre-Spring cleaning--and collecting some inspiration on my "breaks". . . .looking for a few ideas for a summer kitchen. . . .When I clean house, my mind goes in so many directions!
I have Spring Fever so "bad"--I'm growing tired of the gray days, wishing for sunshine and flowers. . . .

So this bright cheery kitchen was one of the first to catch my eye. . . .I was thinking daffodils and sunflowers . . .

A checkerboard floor certainly transformed our keeping room from "so-so" to "striking." It's the focal point of the entire room. . . . I've decided that is the secret to success with these types of floors. . . .They should be the focal point and not compete with their surroundings. . . .

I'm a huge fan of hardwood floors for their beauty and durability. . . .Sometimes, though, painting them can bring so much more to the room. . . .Checkerboarding changes a drab room to spectacular with only a can of paint and a brush. . . .tiles will work, too, if you choose not to paint. . . .

It took me years to go ahead with my plans for a checkerboard floor. . . .Although I wanted it, I was hesitant to paint over the wood flooring. . . .I haven't regretted that decision one minute. . . .The entire room came alive. . . .It became a room that makes me smile. . . .

When I began looking more closely on the net, I found that checkerboard floors aren't dated at all. . . .During every decade there are examples of checkerboard floors being utilitzed. . . .

They're so appealing to the eye but can be overwhelming if not considered the center of interest--or a major part of the overall plan. . . .This red and white kitchen is playful and fun, but the floor is definitely where the eye first lands. . . .It all comes together with the use of two colors over and over again. . . .Doesn't it make you smile? It does me!

An alternative to completely checkerboarding the floor might be to paint an accent rug instead. . . .Start out small. . . .See how you like it. . . .I'm considering a painted mat in front of my kitchen sink.

Look at the difference in this kitchen. . . .The photo above appears to be the update of the kitchen, but the photo below takes bland to interesting for me. . . .

Obviously, the checkerboard here is on the walls, but I couldn't resist another alternative. . . .Talk about a "pop" of color!

If you desire a more subtle approach, checkerboarding with white and gray--or other soft colors-- might be considered. . . .

This blend of white and gray is still eye appealing but becomes a part of the background. . . .while looking fresh and clean. . . .I love these colors together.

The more I look at kitchens with checkerboard floors, the more I love them. . . .I'm not planning to change mine again for years to come. . . .I think they're bright, fun, and attention-getters. . . .

The more examples I find, the more I'm thinking about painting one on the living room floor. . . .I'll wait to tell John, though. . . .He swore he'd never do another one. . . .Anyone want to bet?

You'll find a video at This Old House with step-by-step instructions on how to paint a wooden floor. . . .more checkerboard floors, too!

but, I do it anyway. . . .
Time to get back to my cleaning. . . .(sigh). . . .I'd rather paint a floor. . . .

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . . 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Shabby Linens Table Runner

Take stacks of vintage linens, a piece of fusible web, and an hour of time and what do you get?
A shabby linens table runner!

This one is a "no brainer". . . .The hardest part is deciding which linens to use. . . .I chose those with age spots, a little fraying, some faded embroidery, and  well worn--nothing perfect. . . .Remember, this is a "shabby" runner.

To Make a Shabby Linens Table Runner:
Lay linens on the table into the desired arrangement. 
Pin in place. . . .or Use a Glue Stick to temporarily hold the linens in place.  .
You can iron the linens with a little spray starch or sizing before
or during the joining of pieces together.

 Begin at one end of the runner.
I used a tabletop ironing board to press the linens together,
moving the runner along as I attached each piece
so that the order of the linens was maintained.
I used fusible web--sold by the yard--to attach linens to each other.
Iron-on hem tape could also be used.
Cut the fusible web in strips approximately 1/2" too 3/4"
and place between the two linens along the overlapped edge.
Press the "sandwich" together with a hot iron.
Join small sections at a time.
Continue to the other end.

And, there you have it!
It's shabby and simple and in farmhouse style. . .

I was surprised how much I love this shabby runner. . . .
how well it works with table settings. . . .
The bits of embroidery add just enough color. . . .

My next runner may be in off-whites only--for a more neutral background. . . .It will be a while before I start another one, though. . . .I have another project I'm working on right now, utilizing more linens. . . .It's taking more than an hour to make. . . .but not too complicated. . . .Love working with linens so it doesn't feel at all like work. . . .
Can't wait to show you. . . .One day soon!

 I'm off to my sewing machine. . . .for a day of sewing bliss. 

. . . from my farmhouse to yours. . .

Sharing this post with: * Make It Pretty Monday * Mop It Up Monday

Friday, February 22, 2013

Features from Country Whites Weekend #3--Living Room, Laundry, Bedroom, Closet

Good Morning!
Winter is making it's last attempt at cold and icy. . . .
What to do?
Well, after such marvelous inspiration from each of you at
Country Whites Weekend,
I pulled out a few projects I've meant to put together all winter long. 

There's nothing like a good party to get creative ideas flowing. . . .
I think Country Whites Weekend is getting better and better.

Cindy and I are working hard to build the weekend with more party goers. . .
so, I want to tell you how much we both
appreciate you sharing your time and talents at Country Whites Weekend.
It's YOU who make it all possible.

Each of you certainly let your little lights shine once more. . . .
From The Country Farm Home
and Old Time Farmhouse
Thank you. . . .from the depths of our hearts. . . .
It's so nice to have such good friends.

Time for the Features!
The top three most viewed are (drum roll):

Let me tell you, Dawn didn't just show us her Country Whites slipcovers!
She treated us with all kinds of country inspiration throughout her living room. . . .
I must confess, I've stolen a few of her decorating ideas for my own living room redo.


If you haven't seen Dawn's living room,
please hop on over to Creative Cain Cabin. . . .It's a delight.

Speaking of a delight, coming in second is Jann's
Laundry Room Whites. . . .

I remember when a laundry room was just an afterthought of the house--
a closet no one ever sees. . . .
Not so anymore. . . .


Jann's Laundry Room is filled with so much country charm,
I think I might even like doing laundry there!
Don't miss this one at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.

Coming in third, but by no means less delightful, is Vickie's
From Pink to White. . . .

Vickie is in the process of transforming the Sweet Sixteen room into a creamy white bedroom with pops of color and country style. . . .She says they made the decision for a change 2 years, 3 weeks and 4 days ago, but just now are they making progress. . . .Can't we all relate?

Don't miss the amazing transformation going on at Ranger 911.

Catching my eye this month--
among the many favorites--
is Penny's New Linen Closet. . . .


Since I have my own big basket of vintage linens scattered all around for the projects this week, I was a little more than envious of Penny's huge closet space that she turned into a home for her collectibles--not only linens, but an old sewing machine, vintage irons, antique laces and much, much more. . . .


Vintage style that is so country charming. . . . .
If you missed her post, be sure and visit Penny's Vintage Home.

And now, you'll have to hop over to  Old Time Farmhouse
and see who Cindy picked as her favorite!
I do know. . . .but, I can't tell you. . . .I'm sworn to secrecy.

Congratulations to all! 
Be sure to grab this button! 

Country Whites Weekend
begins every third Friday of each month and runs through Sunday night. . . .
You can join the next one on Friday March 15th, starting around 6:00 a. m. CST.

Please feel free to paste this reminder button on your blog. . . .

Sure hope to see each of you again. . . .
Bring a friend!
As always, Everyone is Welcome! 
 See you next month!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sew Thrifty A Find

The sun is shining bright today. . . .From my kitchen window I can see a few sprigs of grass beginning to appear. . . . Spring can't be too far away, can it?

Earlier, I thought I'd gather up the gardening tools and head out to the flower beds for a little winter clean-up. . . .What a surprise I had when I opened the door! It might LOOK warm, but it certainly is NOT. . . .

I turned around and headed back inside. . . .I'll enjoy the sunshine from the window. . . .while playing with something else green. . . .this cute thrift store find. . . .It should keep me occupied for the next day or two INDOORS.

Maybe you recognize it from a post back in December. . . .I haven't had the time to work with it until now. . . .In fact, John has had the "green machine"  in his workshop for a cleaning and lube job. . . .Now, it's my turn. . . .

I think it's a Singer Tiny Tailor--but can't seem to find a whole lot of information. . . .

I already own three black Tiny Tailors. . . .which have become very collectible. . . .Quilters love them, as well as crafters, because they are small enough to carry with you and sturdy enough to stitch like a regular sized machine. . . .

When I spotted this green one in a local thrift store for $10, I didn't hesitate a bit to quickly grab it before anyone else did. . . .Not only was the price right, it was love at first sight. . . .

I've tried Googling to find out some information. . . .So far, not much luck. . . .

They were manufactured in Canada. . . .I think around 1954. . . .The Serial Number is different from anything I found on the Singer website. . . .

I thought maybe one of you might have some information?
It's a "dandy" little machine. . . .

For my first project, I'm sew, sew, sewing a basketful of doilies and embroidered pieces into----
Well, you'll just have to wait and see. . . .

Yes, I'm teasing you. . . .Blame it on Spring Fever. . . .
But, you'll still have to wait and see. . . .

I'll have the house to myself for the next few days. . . .Plenty of time to finish the sewing projects. . . .I think I'll set the Tiny Tailor right in FRONT of the window. . . .That way I can at least pretend I'm outside. . . .while keeping as warm as that sun looks!

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .