
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Simplifying the Farmhouse Cupboards

I couldn't wait to share this post--
just to prove to everyone that I HAVE simplified the keeping room cupboards--
--I mostly organized them--
if you want the truth about it.

All summer long, I've been cleaning out, but at the same time,
I've opened boxes I haven't seen in ten years.
You know what that means. . . .
It's like Christmas. . . .things look brand new. . . .
lost items are found. . . .can't part with all of it. . . .

Simplifying is so hard, isn't it?
I knew this would happen. . . .so, I had a plan. . . .
It's why we put in an entire wall of cupboards. . . .

I wanted at least three cupboards for storing items that we use in three different ways. . . .
It took me a couple of years to find the perfect match--
and then I only found two. . . .did I get some "oldies but goodies". . . .
In the above photograph, the center hutch and the right cupboard are antique--
the hutch dated 1936--the cupboard dated 1889.
Both were in good shape--only minor repairs were necessary--and paint--
to cover up all the different woods and colors of the originals.
The matching cupboard on the far left is a reproduction piece that John built,
 adding a drawer for linens--a drawer he lined in cedar--by the way. . . .
He added thread spools cut in half for the missing knobs on all the pieces.
And, of course, the iron pot shelves were crafted by him, too. . . .
He's pretty handy to have around. . . .don't you think?

 Let's take a look inside. . . .

Okay--don't laugh--I AM simplifying--don't let all this pottery fool you. 
I do use each and every piece--
mostly in our 18th-19th century open hearth cooking. 
No plastic here. . .
They didn't have Tupperware back then, you know. . . .

 It's a Pottery collection that spans over 30 years. . . . .

They're all stored in the 1889 Cupboard,  closest to the fireplace--
so they are handy for cooking. . . .
These aren't just pretties, they are our work horses. . . .

To make them even more special, with the exception of the redware,
most of the pieces in the upper cabinet were made by my cousin--during the 1970's-80s--
utilizing the clays in our area--primarily what we call "gumbo"--
thick, blue-gray goo that you don't want to walk through when it's wet--
You just might leave your shoes behind. . .

Bobby mixed the clay, "threw" the pieces on a wheel,
made the glazes himself, and fired them in a huge kiln that he built. . . .
He sold his pottery at shows and in stores.
Every now and then, I find a piece for sale at an antique store--but rarely.
People around here consider them treasures. . . .
Every Christmas, the entire family received pieces of his artwork . . . .
we've treasured them, too. . . .

Behind the lower cabinet door, I organized the pieces we use the most. . . .
included are redware, Williamsburg pottery, salt glazed, Shaker boxes, and crockery.
It will save me lots of time having everything in one place.
Before, I had it scattered everywhere.. . .
Now, it's handy and  next to the iron pots we use.

Our fireplace is being re-built, but it is close to being finished. . . .
Can't wait to start cooking a big pot of Irish stew. . . .

The center Hutch holds the ironstone and whites--
our everyday whites and the show pieces. . . .
I won't linger here long. . . .
You've seen most of these before,
and I'll probably do a post about them later. . . .

Well, to be honest, the lower section--behind closed doors--is still VERY full. . . .
Can't decide what to keep and what not to keep. . . .

I have so much white, I need to sell some. . . .
downsize more. . . .makes my head spin. . .
It's all neatly stacked, ready for a decision. 
One day soon, I'll get to it. . . .

Let's go on to the next cupboard for now. . . .
before I get bogged down on the hutch's "work in progress".

I call this one my Cottage Kitchen Cupboard.
It's where I plan to store all things glass and the chippy, vintage dishes that I love--
the ones I use most often. . .

There's lots of glass. . . .

My Aunt Mamie and I shared a love of glass, more so than silver, which was my Mom's favorite.  For us, there was nothing prettier than sparkling glass on the table. . . .I do have many of her pieces, that I don't use very often. It's stored in the living room showcase. . . .The 1940s leaf vase above was hers. . . .behind it is a vase belonging to my Grandmother Duncan. . . .growing up, I remember "Granny" using this vase for her roses. . . .She had a beautiful rose garden. . . .

All of these pieces are family pieces, from several individuals. . . .
It helps that I was the only girl in my family.
Even the cousins were boys. They weren't interested in keeping any of the pretties. . . .
All the better for me. . . .I treasure each one of them. . . .and use them in each person's memory. . .
I recently read somewhere that
as long as we keep telling our loved ones stories, their lives go on. . . .
I like that. . . .

Glass, glass, everywhere. . . .Just LOOK how it sparkles. . . .I love it. . .

The lower cabinet is filling up with lots of finds of everyday ware and fun stuff. . . .
most of it coming from 1930s-50s. . . .
Yes, I use it. . . .
I made the decision several years ago to use the things I love--
even if they are vintage. . . .

It's a decision I've never regretted. . .  .although I've broken a few things along the way. . . .
I fully enjoyed them til then. . . .

Love the older dishes that are chipped and stained--
that are mismatched. . .
that have been well-used and loved. . . .

I don't have a lot of pieces but enough to mix and match with the ironstone. . . .
And, I do have a few that I plan to sell. . . .to share my farmhouse style. . . .
I "feel in my bones" that an Etsy store is on the horizon. . . .

I so please with the way the cupboards are working out. . . . never had so much room. . . .
What I love about them, too, is that I can close all the doors
and my kitchen looks less cluttered and simplified. . . .

After all. . . .that WAS the goal. . . .wasn't it?

from my farmhouse to yours. . . .
The Farmer's Daughter

 I'll be sharing this post at the: * Old Time Party
Old Time Monthly Schedule 


  1. What a beautiful collection of glass where,pottery and dishes! And all neatly stored in your beautiful cupboards! I have downsized my collection quite a bit.Only keeping what i use.But I too am selling some of my collection for others to enjoy! Thank you for sharing you beautiful collection!

  2. Beautiful collections! Your cabinets are wonderfully filled.

    I really love your cast iron cookware sitting on the white shelves.

  3. I received this comment in an email from Lisa. Some good information--

    Hi wanted to comment on your blog but I don’t belong to any of those places. Anyway I have lots of those pretty rose plates of all sizes. I have been told they were in boxes of laundry soap in the 30’s and 40’s. I have plates of different sizes and one treasured bowl with those different colored roses on them. I love them and I’m like you I use the vintage stuff.


  4. Your collections make my head a good way! Lovin' the look, of course and feelin' the farmhouse love!

  5. Oh my how I love your old kitchen cupboards and everything displayed in them. Beautiful! Have a great week!

  6. Absolutely Gorgeous!
    Your kitchen is one of my all time Favorites out here in the e-world.
    I find myself drooling over every photo.
    Great job organizing.
    Off to email ya my address so you can come do mine. :) Hehhee!


  7. Dru, who says you have to downsize and simplify? I would have a hard time parting with your collections too.

  8. Oh what a treat I have just had looking at all your beautiful collection. I'm sitting here in my dressing gown having a quiet few minutes before the day gets under way. Thought I'd just check out a few blogs, for maybe a half hour. LOL how long have I been here?? HMMM, lets not go there. Love your post.

  9. Fabulous organizational skills, and such great pieces collected over the years. If you have the space, and energy, to keep a lot of stuff, then keep it! I downsized and miss so many things. It is so wrong to miss things. But I had no choice. xo

  10. oh what I'd give for your wonderful cupboards!! they're just gorgeous!

  11. Thanks for sharing your cupboard's contents. I always like to see what's behind closed doors. Well, yours are wonderful!

  12. What beautiful collections...and displayed so wonderfully...its nice that you use all of it. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us...I may have to go take a second look see :)

  13. Oh how beautiful! I really don't know what else to say, and anyhoo, I am still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. Yes, this happens everytime you post new pics. I LOVE your farmhouse, and your style :)
    Can't wait to see the new fireplace!

  14. Oh Wow!!! Just gorgeous. I have my grandmother's glass vase and consider it such a treasure. Everything looks so much like the old days!

  15. Oh to have all that cupboard space! You have a beautiful collection of pieces. My favorite is the ironstone. I have been collecting that the last few years.

  16. Your old cabinets are wonderful and the reproductions made by your husband are stunning! They fit perfectly together and provide tons of storage for all your vintage pieces. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I am in awe of your collection. I have a 'thing' for dishware, glasses and silver... I have inherited quite a bit from great grandmothers, grandmothers and parents. I agree... I always buy what I like and use them, regardless of the age if it. My boys have grown up using vintage dishes and flatware and have learned ti appreciate them as well. The stories they come with. I like the fact that you said... keeping the stories alive keeps them alive. I also feel that way.
    Cracked and crazed = more stories to share..
    Thanks for sharing.. the cupboards are beautiful.
    Cheers, Gee

  18. Dru...I love everything that is hiding behind your cupboard doors!! I have some glassware that was my grandma's and I use it everyday...keeps my grandma close to me.
    I just love your simplified farmhouse style!!

  19. Oh girl my head is spinning. Such treasures! What a fantastic kitchen redo. Love, love your farmhouse style! All of your collections of dishes are wonderful! I too am a no tupperware type of a gal. And you surely won't find me drinking from a plastic glass. lol! I did a post with you and a couple other farm gals in mind. Doesn't hold a candle to your beauties, but I had fun pretending I lived on a farm.

  20. You have a wonderful collections of so many beautiful things neatly tucked behind those gorgeous cupboards of yours! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful day, Gail

  21. How lovely everything looks! Your cast iron looks striking! All of your collections look wonderful!

  22. you have such a beautiful collection!

  23. Oh so tidy, and beautiful!!
    I saw some dishes I have too. =)


  24. Love your collections! I have also been downsizing and find myself with some empty shelves!! I live in a small home, so empty shelves are unheard of. Now I am working on the best way to utilize them.

  25. Everything is so lovely and I love the stories you have connected with the pieces. I so agree......I use my vintage things. I love them!

  26. I love all your collections! Who can just collect one catagory?!
    But I am with you and your Aunt Mamie, the sparkly glass is the best!
    Keep up the good work "Simplifing"! It is always a work in progress.....

  27. What a lovely collection for your kitchen! I, too, am an Arkansas girl, but across the state from you in the Northwest corner. It's so nice to meet you! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  28. You definitely have more than enough to stock an etsy store! I love love love all kinds of dishes. You have some great storage there. Everything looks great!

  29. Oh my gosh! I just go goo goo gah gah! I mean wow! First you see all that white cupboard love then bang.. all that earthy pottery!! i love it till I feel weird almost! You stuff is wonderful, and if you ever open your Etsy, I want to be the first to know. By the way, I have a special fondness for pottery, because it is one of my own crafts that I have worked on and love. And chickens, and all your other stuff is just like a dream for me!!!
    Wake up now..

  30. I do sooooooooooooooooooo love your is anew one to me and I mean to spend lots of my days has made my heart soar.....I look and think OMG this is my other on the opposite side of the world. A truly inspiring and delectible place to be thankyou sooooooo much :0)

  31. You have so many beautiful collections and I love that you use them. Your cupboards are terrific for organizing everything.
    Mary Alice

  32. Thanks for your support at the Old Time Party!!!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  33. You do indeed have a handy hubby, love your cabinetry and all your collections. I have some pottery that my mother made and I really treasure it.

  34. Your collection of cherished pottery and beautiful cupboards filled with beautiful dishes is great. I just became a follower and look forward to catching up, browsing thru post archives and future posts.

  35. I think I love you! The pottery, the ironstone, the glassware, the cast iron. Can I come live with you? I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit sometime and you can see some of my collections. The front gate will be open for you.

    Susan and Bentley

  36. Can I move in with you!?;) I love the blue on the back of the cabinets. Everything you touch turns to gold. You have some mad skills lady. Thanx for joining THT and hope your week is going well! I sent my FB peeps your way today when I saw your floors!!

  37. Dru,
    just wanted to say thanks for sharing this with Share Your Cup. I love your collection of dishes and your wonderful farmhouse!

  38. I just started following your blog...I love it! All of your posts are great.

    Amy Jo


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .