
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gathering Together in Watercolor

 "For man, Autumn is a time of Harvest
of Gathering Together. . . ."
 Edwin Way Teale       

The weather is changing. . . .
Cool nights and comfortable days. . . .
My thoughts naturally go to visions of Hearth and Home
of Harvest and Gathering,
of returning to a Simpler Time. . .

Every year I begin my gathering for the long winter months. . . .

Iron Pots for cooking in the fire. . . .

Handmade Brooms for sweeping the hearth
and dusting the ash off the pots. . . .

Vintage Tins for steaming puddings and breads. . . .

and for preparing those holiday goodies. . .

Wooden Bowls to hold---anything. . . .

Wooden Ware for mixing, tasting, and dipping. . . .

Handmade Rolling Pins for the baked goods. . . .
Gourds for crafting. . . .

Vintage Jugs for the cider. . . .

Redware, Crockery, and Blown Glass to set a rustic table. . . .

Wooden Spools for winding  rag rug strips. . . .
and to double as candle holders. . . . .

Vintage Baskets for storage and supplies. . . .

Yarn for needlework and crafting.

From my kitchen window, I watch the squirrels as they gather pecans, and I think how we're not so different from them. . . .Seems like every living thing feels the winter coming, , , ,
We are ALL busy. . . . Gathering Together. . . .

"Watercolors" by The Farmer's Daughter and


  1. Pictures are beautiful. Love your grouping of old bowls.

  2. Lol! Yes indeed we all feel that winter coming! Usually after the first cold snap we all of the sudden realize winter is here and go into "squirrel mode".
    Love your watercolors!

  3. Love the watercolors...I want to frame the bowl first of all...thanks for stopping by and do you have rolling pins? Can you do a watercolor of rolling pins? What program does this?

  4. Love this watercolor post! I'm finding all kinds of wonderful pics here on your blog! Glad I found you from the Charm of Home! I'm your next follower! Have a lovely fall day!!

  5. Cool effects with the photos. I haven't had a chance to play with, yet. Makes me want to now. These should be enlarged and framed they're so pretty!

  6. Wonderful watercolors. Are they photo edited? Beautiful.

  7. Beautiful watercolors - how did you do that on the computer? Amazing!

  8. Love the effect that you used on your photos!!
    It is going to get down right cold here over the next several days...think I had better be gathering some things for winter.

  9. Love the watercolor affects. I'm going to have to check out

  10. Did you really do this with your computer? I was just going to compliment you and tell you what a talented artist you are!!

  11. Man! Those are so cool! I love the way they came out! You should print and frame them!

  12. Your photos are gorgeous. I love the water color effect! Thanks for sharing!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .