
Monday, March 9, 2020

DIY Face Mask: A Picture Tutorial

I'm sure no one has to be told that we now have the Coronavirus-19 threat in this country and that face masks are in minimum supply. I know that it is said that masks don't help but I think anything we can do that will possibly protect our loved ones is worth a little time spent.

I don't usually repost other's projects like this on The Country Farm Home, but I have been so impressed with this DIY mask from the BUTTON COUNTER blog that I felt I should share the link. I'll be making several in the coming days and may send a few to loved ones through the mail. Give it a try! And make several. They will need to be washed after each wearing.



  1. From start to finish, this mask took 30 minutes to make! Thanks

  2. Thank you. I was searching and saw yours pop up on Pinterestm I hope you are doing good.
    Blessings, Susie

  3. I love that you explain step by step making the pleats!!! Thank you! Thank you!


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