
Thursday, January 16, 2020

I'm Thinking Summer

Yes, I know it's only the middle of January. . .Yes, I know it's freezing cold outside. . .But. . .Need I shout it from the rooftops? . .I'm ready for SUMMER. . .
Actually. . .I've been writing about the Fourth of July for the last few days. . .Editing photos for the Fourth. . .Trying to wrap my head around that time of the year for the articles. . .and Setting up some extra photo shots. . .which makes my brain rather confused. . .I so engross myself in Summer images that I have to stop and think at times just what month this is. . .Well, I don't really have to think much. . .All I have to do is look outside at the gray or step out on the porch without a jacket.
I do know one thing, though. . .I'm leaving the house set up as if it IS summer. . .in hopes it quickly comes. . .Plus, I love the black and white straw-trimmed hat on my new blanket chest. . .I really don't want to change it. . .Such a simple setting. . .

I brought out the summer flower pillows for the bed, too. . .and the rug is always cheerful. . .
The thing is. . .I live each Winter for Spring and Summer and could totally do without the cold weather. . .whether writing or not. . .It's fun until Christmas is over, but then I'm ready for the sun to shine again. . .
Maybe I should consider moving FURTHER South?

Friday, January 3, 2020

I'm Keeping The Wreath. . .and. . .

Christmas is over for another year. . .The decorations are coming down. . .BUT. . .I'm keeping the wreath.

Everyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely, positively LOVE RED for pops of color. . .and I've loved this wreath from the first time I saw it. . .I've used it for Christmas a couple of years now. . .in various places around the house. . .and I often store it as the Winter season ends. . .Not this time. . .Nope. . .This time, it's staying on the living room wall. . .where I can enjoy it everyday. . .
(Note: My apologies for the photographs. They did not upload as they look in my folder. I used a new editing program. . .that I certainly won't used again! I will try to change them out soon!)
And below it, I put a press-on with some inspirational words directly on the wall. . .
Words I need to see everyday, too. .

I'm changing up the living room a little. . .I can't show you the entire result, yet, because I'm still working on it. . .Still adding and subtracting. . .
I did find this old crate in storage for a table. .a quick clean-up was all it needed. . .I may use it in front of the couch. . .
While I was at it, I brought in part of my crock collection from the back porch. . .putting them at the fireplace to dry after a good soak in the tub. . I think some of the larger ones might be nice in the living room, too. . .Crocks are great anywhere in a farmhouse. . .
My little helper. . .Mr. B J LaShay. . .has been there with me every step of the way. . .Getting into EVERYTHING. . .

But. . .He IS CUTE. . .isn't he. . .in his red Christmas bow tie?
I kind of like having him around. . .

So. . .although I haven't made any New Year's resolutions, yet. . .I HAVE made a New Year's decision. . .I have two "keepers". . .the WREATH. . .AND the CAT. . because. . .Both make me SMILE. . .