
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

DIY Farmhouse Folk Angels for the Christmas Table

You've seen my Folk Angels before. . .I know. . .but. . .did you know that you could make your own?. .Yep. . .There are two pages of DIY instructions in the Winter Issue of COUNTRY RUSTIC MAGAZINE

Space is limited in the magazine for inspirational photos. . .so I'm sharing a few more with you in these next two posts. . .and a few more ideas. . .

With the basic instructions from COUNTRY RUSTIC, you can make Angels to suit your style. . .Dress them in different fabric. . .It's not necessary that they wear wool like mine. . .The embellishments can be changed, too. . .

I made lots of them. . .and named them according to those Angels I have known. . .They are all around the house. . .obviously not all hanging from the branches of a Christmas Tree. . .(although I'll be showing you some that are). . .

Speaking of embellishments. . .just now as I looked at these photos, I had a different idea for the angel wings. . .Snowflakes would do the trick!  And for Halos. . .try a ring of those Stars. . .or maybe a Santa Angel. . .There are so many options. . .if you'll let your imagination soar. . .

For this Christmas table, I kept it simple. . .Angels. . .Snowflakes. . .Candles. . .Packages. . .Greenery. . .and a few Little Stars. . .It IS eclectic with its folk and tinsel style. . .but I think it suits a Farmhouse setting. . .

Somehow it all works. . .
And. . .yours will, too. . .I just know it. . .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Family "Snoopy" Tree: A DIY Project

"Once upon a time, there was a little Norfolk pine tree that came to live at the farm. It was tall and spindly. Some branches were long and some were short. The Farmer's Daughter fondly called it her "Snoopy Tree" but somehow, the little pine didn't feel that was a compliment. He longed for something that would make him unique among   all the Norfolk pine trees--something that made him feel special. 
The Farmer's Daughter realized one day that the little pine tree's branches were drooping more than usual, and he didn't seem as bright in color as normal. She felt a little droopy, too. It was close to Christmas--a time that always meant family and loved ones to the Farmer's Daughter. Unfortunately, most of her family was away. Then she had an idea. Why not turn her "Snoopy Tree" into a Christmas tree, with tiny photos of all those she had loved over the years? Wouldn't that be fun? And, an amazing way to remember others.
So she disappeared into her office for hours. Christmas carols played in the background, while much activity could be heard behind closed doors. She snipped. She glued. She smiled a lot. She dreamed. She remembered. She shed a tear or two. By mid-day, her project was done. She headed straight for the Snoopy Tree and began to transform him into a lovely family Christmas tree. There were tiny framed photos of  Mom and Dad, Granny and Pop, Grandmother and Granddaddy, Aunt Mamie and Aunt Naoma, and many, many others.
Oh! That little pine tree felt so important! He was so honored to hug her family in his branches. He straightened up and began to glow again. When she added bright red ornaments and fluffy cotton bolls, he felt like he was the most important tree on the entire farm. He wasn't a Snoopy Tree anymore. He was a "Family Tree" in the truest sense. He was special! He belonged!

And, the Farmer's Daughter smiled, too. Her family was Home For Christmas once again."

Hello Everyone! I was looking back through my Christmas blog posts recently, looking for a specific one, when I ran across a story I wrote the very first year I blogged. I hadn't read it in so many years. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, the photos were lost from the post and it needed some updating as well.  
My first reaction was to delete it. . .Then I read the story. . .and remembered that Christmas. . .and thought how even though it was written eight years ago, the possibilities for a DIY Family Tree were still there. I dug up the old photos, updated the story, and re-published it, hoping it would inspire you to make your own family tree of photos.
It was quite simple. Choose the photos. Reduce and scan them. Or, if digital, resize. Make a frame from card stock. Place scanned photo inside. And, back with more card stock after sandwiching in a string loop for hanging. 
There were a few photos I printed directly on the card stock, cut them out, punched a hole, and added a string loop. 
That's all there is to it. Now you can surround yourself with family this Christmas. . .and make a Norfolk pine very happy. . .

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Beginning The Holidays At The Fireside

It's Christmastime again. . .or it will be soon. . .and even though I love the Holiday Season at hand, I also often visit old memories, too. . .So why should this one be any different, huh?
I've been thinking today about an honor that is very connected to my camera-toting Dad. . .totally to his credit. . .and not my own. . .and I'll tell you why. . .
It all began when I opened the box of 2019 WINTER ISSUE OF COUNTRY RUSTIC MAGAZINE! . .I was speechless. . .One of my photographs had made the front cover!!! . .And there were more inside. . .
But honestly, I take no credit for it. . . It is to my Dad's credit. . . All my life, Daddy was an historian with his camera. . .He documented his WWII experience with a camera. . .The first thing he did when I was born was grab his camera. . .We have the usual family photos of our outings and vacations. . .and it wasn't Thanksgiving or Christmas unless he was sneaking shots of the merriment that filled our house. . .He documented local and state activities as they happened. . . and took thousands of photos that are irreplaceable. . .
Daddy's many cameras were always with him. . .He taught courses in photography through a local college. . .He was Vice-President several times of the National PSA. . .as well as starting a Camera Club in our county. . .For several years, he went professional for weddings, parties and the school annual. . . He had his own dark room. . .He won gold medals nationally. . .The legacy he left just goes on and on. . .
The funny part is. . .I was his one failure. . .I just did not 'get' all those stops and buttons on a 35mm camera. . .Finally, Daddy gave up. . .One Christmas, he presented me with a Minolta 35mm automatic. . .My photos began to improve. . .but I still pretty much left the photo-taking to him. . .I still loved following him around to art shows and PSA meetings. . .We spent hours together in his dark room. . .I drove down many old country roads with him while looking for the perfect shot. . .But, I was content just to be with him. . .and leave the photography to the expert.

Then three things happened at almost the same time. . .First, I lost my Dad to cancer. . .Second, the digital camera came along and was affordable. . .Third, I realized that my head was full of photo shoot possibilities and it was time I put to use some of the skills my Dad had taught me. . .I almost felt him looking over my shoulders and encouraging me. . .Showing me what to look for. . .Guiding me as I looked for the right angles. . .I never snap the button that I don't think about Daddy and what he would have seen through the camera's eye. . .He is still with me. . .and I'm so glad a little bit of his talent rubbed off on me. . .but. . .

I claim no credit for the Country Rustic cover. . .because. . .
"This one's for you, Dad. . ."

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thankful and Blessed

What? Didn't I say I'd begin Holiday posts next? . .Well, yes, I did. . .but I decided I had one more I wanted to share first. . .once I realized that tomorrow is Veteran's Day. . .for we should all be thankful and blessed to have a country such as this. . .and to those who defend it to keep it free. . .
My Dad was a World War II Veteran. . .He returned from the War with a deeper understanding of what freedoms we so often take for granted. . .And, he instilled in us that same pride in our Nation and never let us forget how blessed we were. . .in so many ways. . .
Yeoman First Class Curtis C. Duncan, 1945

He flew the flag proudly. . .365 days a year. . .
He loved God and Country. . .and felt it his duty to defend both. . .
and he wasn't alone. . .he isn't alone. . .

So. . .to all our Veterans. . .I'd like to say. . .
This is still the Greatest Nation in the World. . . 
Thank you for keeping it safe. . .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fall Cupboards and a Couple of Farmhouse Decor Tips

Isn't this an amazing Fall wreath? . .It is handmade of dried grasses and berries. . .and seed pods. . .And it's so big. . .Which brings me to a farmhouse decorating tip. . .GO BIG WITH A FEW ITEMS INSTEAD OF A LOT OF CLUTTER. . .

Here's a good example at the pie safe cupboard. . .See how it isn't lost in the photo? . .I had to learn this and it was a tough seeing with the eye what the camera, and usually others, see. . .My tendency is to do too much. . .Such as in this photo. . .
Learn from me. . .While interesting and speaks of Fall. . .this cupboard can come off as too busy. . .if you only look at the open doors. . .Don't you think? . .A large wreath on closed doors below does help overall. . .

Next year. . .I'll close those top doors and simplify with larger objects. . .

Nothing wrong with this Fall vignette. . .and it might be your decorating style. . .but for me. . .and for my Plain and Simple Farmhouse Style, the pie safe cupboard is my pick. . .
When I say Simplify, I don't mean minimal. . .and I don't suggest you never use smaller objects. . .as you see in this photo. . .
So.'s another tip I have found. . .Clustering smalls together can give the illusion of being one large item. . .The secret is to allow space in between as I have done on top of this baker's cupboard. . .The LARD sign helps to connect the rest of the vignette but with 'white' space below. .Makes it so much more pleasing to the eye for my Farmhouse decor. . . 


To see more of my Farmhouse decorating style,
check out the FAll ISSUE OF 

I'm leaving Fall with this post. . .and moving on to the Holidays. . .
Ready for some Christmas CHEER. . .
Time to turn on my favorite Christmas songs
and get decorating!!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Bath For The Photo Shoot

As promised. . . I have bathroom photos that I took as I decorated for the Fall Issue of Country Rustic magazine. . .I know that many of you have seen our bath many times, in various stages of decor. . .but I added a few new items and vignettes. . .that have become my favorites. . .such as this welcoming bath sign that can be seen from the living room. . .

and below. . .a whimsical towel holder. . . 

Isn't this wonderful for a bath? . . Someone made it from old metal plumbing elements. . .So appropriate for welcoming visitors. . .Let's face it. . .the bathroom is almost always the most visited room in the house. . .
The small scale utility door found in an out-building on the farm, hides the more modern commode and shower. . .so that the bath from the living room appears to be the 1930s. . .

The only tribute to Fall in this room are the cotton stalks. . .I like to keep the room really simple. . .clean. . .and relaxing to the eye. . .
A little explanation about the bath for our new followers. . .This room was once a small bedroom. . .When we began renovating the old farmhouse. . .the bathroom was a make-do area on the enclosed back porch. . .There was no place to put the hot water heater. . .the central heat duct work. . .or the washer and dryer. . .In fact, there were no closets anywhere in the house. . .So, we took the small bedroom for the bath and hid all the modern conveniences behind the louvered doors. . .

Then we tied the window treatment to them with vintage shutters on the inside. . . giving the entire room a feeling of a farmhouse plantation style. . .

I absolutely love this vintage style bathroom. . .
It is so big and roomy and a delight to see. . .
 Friends and visitors love it, too.

I think next I'll wind up this series with the cupboard decor for Fall in my next post. . .
Then it will be on to the Christmas holidays. . .
This year. . .I plan to pull out my log cabin collection. . .
for something new and unique . .
I have gathered miniature animals and embellishment for them all. . .
Although it's only November, I'm ready for some holiday cheer. . .
aren't you?

I'll be back again later this week!!!