
Thursday, August 8, 2019

It's Almost Time: Fall Home Feature in Country Rustic Magazine

Has it really been a year since DJ Williams contacted me and asked to do a photo shoot of our home for the 2019 Fall Issue of Country Rustic Magazine?. . .My how time flies. . .But the issue has been sent to press and will be on news stands very soon. . .I mean VERY SOON. . .And for the first time, you'll be able to buy a copy at Walmart, Kroger, and many other mainstream stores. . .
I've already seen a PDF of The Country Farm Home feature. . .There are ten pages of photos and information about our farmhouse style. . .including how our Delta cotton farm influenced the color palette. . .how we decorate with found and natural materials. . .and the fun we have had incorporating family treasures into the mix. . .It was a treat working with DJ on this project. . .I sure learned a lot about how much time goes into a single issue, too. . .Some of you have noticed I haven't been posting as often. . .Now, you know the reason why. . .It is a lot of work. . .but so rewarding. . .
The really hard thing was not sharing photos I took that day of the shoot. . .The photographer took over 500 photos. . Until I saw which DJ selected, I didn't dare show you mine and let the cat out of the bag. . . I think I took about 200. . .But. . .I can't share many of them right now. . .because. . .
There's MORE good news. . .The Country Farm Home will be a feature in the Winter, Spring, and  Summer Issues as well. . .By that time, you should know all our tips and secrets as we have renovated and restored the old farmstead and house. . .

It's all beginning soon. . .Please watch for it. . .
and I'll be back later with more of the inside scoop. . .