
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Front Cover: Our Little Necessary House Outback

I have a sneak peek for you. . .the SUMMER ISSUE OF COUNTRY RUSTIC MAGAZINE hits the stands May 24. . .just two days from now. . .and. . .I'm sure excited because. . .my story is listed on the cover!!!! . .for the first time. . .
My Mom on the left. . .
"Our Little Necessary House Outback" is a story about the "fancy one" my Grandmother had in back of her house. . .but it is also about how John and I built our own one summer. . .with before and after photos. . .To top it off, we included some black and white photos made by my Dad of vintage outhouses. . .He has a whole collection of them. . .
It was a fun article to write. . .and I think you'll enjoy reading it. . .Hope so. . .

Coming in the FALL ISSUE, our COUNTRY FARM HOME will be featured. . .with lots of photos inside and out. . .I can hardly wait to see that one. . .Lots of cotton and farmhouse decor. . .Of course, I'll let you know. . .
Just a quick little post to let you know what's happening. . .I'll be back at the farmhouse this week and will catch you up. . .Life has been anything but boring lately. . .

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Blue Bird--Blue Sky--Blue Bath

I never tire of soft and calming, light denim blues in our bath. . .In fact, I've even painted the ceiling a light blue and added clouds to make the room feel as if there is no ceiling. . .only open blue skies. . .
Recently I read that birds, like the sky, are often used as metaphors for feeling free. . .flying above whatever it is that might be holding them down. . .I loved that. . .Immediately my mind went to a bird's nest that I had rescued when it fell out of a nearby tree. . .no eggs in it, so I was sure the babies had long flown away. . .free of the ties that bound them. . .
With the nest and a 50 cent metal blue bird I found at a flea market. . .I set up a vignette in the corner of the bath. . .where I can lay back in the tub and imagine my little blue bird flying off into the sky (ceiling) above. . .and thinking how I should always remember. . .no matter how bogged down and disheartened I may get. . .that the sky is the limit. . .for a little blue bird. . .and for me. . .

"If happy little blue birds fly. . .beyond the rainbow. . .why, oh why can't I?"