
Friday, April 19, 2019

Is It Easter Already?

My goodness. . .How did Easter slip up on me so quickly this year. . .It seems only last week I was scraping ice off my windshield. . .Yet. . .I am so thankful that's all over with for another year. . .and I am so glad Spring is officially here. . .The trees are leafing out. . .flowers are blooming. . .the garden is planted. . .my Spring cleaning is almost done. . .and I can wear white again. . .Remember that old rule about not wearing white shoes or hat before Easter?

I can't help but think of those Easters years ago, when I finally was allowed to wear new white sandles, a new pastel dress with a white hat trimmed in flowers and white gloves for the first time. . .Such a special day. . .My family always went to our own church at Easter but then it was a quick trip to my Grandmother Duncan's house for lunch and an egg hunt. . .Of course, we had to wear our fine clothes all day because there would be numerous photos snapped. . .
Happy Times. . .
Happy Easters. . .

Have a Wonderful One! 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Enjoying Spring at My New Reading Hideaway

Well. . .I told you I'd be back and that Spring would come. . .Right on both accounts. . .It took me almost two months to get things straightened out and have an available internet. . .We have so few options for our net needs at the farm that I tried to work with the phone company that I'd been with since 1973, thinking they would make it right. . .That was a mistake. . .I finally had enough and went with another company and couldn't be happier. . .So, everyone. . ."I'm back in business!". . .as they say. . .

We've had some rather cold Spring days. . .but when the sun shines and it's warmer. . .I like to be outdoors, whether working in flower gardens or resting with a good book. . .I decided I'd carve me out a little reading nook at the side of our Ste. Genevieve home just for that. . .I gathered brick from around that house. . .and. . .concrete pads from the Country Farm Home, along with a wooden planter left over from the fall. . .There was no expense at all, except. . .the little boy. . .Believe it or not, I walked into a thrift store at the same time I was working on my little hideaway. . .and there he was!!!!. . .$8. . .I couldn't imagine anyone discarding him. . He was perfect for my reading area. . . .
I do have an iron bench I'll be adding to the area for comfort. . .but this will do for now. . .I must admit, too, that sitting outside, admiring our backyard, I can sure daydream a lot about project possibilities. . .but that will be later. . .I'll have to work a little on John first. . .
So glad to be back visiting with all of you. . .
Hope you are enjoying this Spring weather, too. . .