
Sunday, January 20, 2019

January Candles

Does anyone need to be told “It's WINTER?” Even in the South, we are feeling a little chilly as frost appears each morning outside the window. . .or an occasional snowflake falls from the gray sky. . .We close the shutters and drapes to ward off as much 'cold' as we can. . .It's in WINTER, when the rooms are filled with very little sunlight, bringing a kind of calm and peace to the atmosphere. . .that I find myself decorating less, but always with candles. . .

Being a Farmer's Daughter, I am no stranger to a restful WINTER. . .Once the harvest is finished in the fall. . .and the Christmas holidays are over. . .there just isn't much else to do but snuggle down for a long winter's rest. . .before the SPRING ground warms enough to start planting. . .and another year on the farm begins. . .


But until then, I'll enjoy being in. . .where it's warm. . .and cozy. . .but I will
keep my Candles burning. . .knowing that Spring is right around the corner. . .

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .

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