
Friday, January 19, 2018

HALF ROW WEAVING: A New Rag Rug Pattern and Tips on the Technique

This was the coldest January we have had in years. There have been days that we were colder than Alaska . .No venturing from the warmth of our home for way too many days. . .Because of cabin fever. . .and boredom. . .I started weaving my latest RAG RUG, working on a new pattern that only my mind's eye could see. . . Now I'll share it with YOU. . .It's been so long since I have shared RAG RUG WEAVING with you, I figured I owed you one. . .

The FIRST STEP is to weave a number of rows from the right-hand side, with the same technique as the regular rug. . .Right over left along the warp and to the left. . .But instead of weaving all the way across, turn back somewhere along the way and return to the right side again. . .left over right. . .I varied the rows to give it a streaked look. . .
I only went about a third of the way down, so that I could start on the left side to see how this pattern would work out. . .
The SECOND STEP was to begin the first row on the left-hand side and weave left over right, meeting at the first right-hand row. . .I was patting myself on the back by now, liking what I was seeing. . .When I had several rows filled in, I could see I had a problem. . .so. . .let me warn you. . .

Where I was simply turning around on a warp as I had done on the right-hand side rows, it left a gap (see above) when I wove back to the left. . .DON'T SIMPLY LOOP AROUND THE WARP WHEN TURNING FROM RIGHT TO LEFT. . .

Instead. . .I fixed the problem like this. . .

STEP THREE. . .Take a large hair pin (or crochet hook), catching up the fabric strip and threading it through the loop on the right (purple) when you meet that row . . .

The row you just wove will then be turned around correctly to begin STEP FOUR. . .weave back to the left. . .right over left. . .

The row now fills in correctly . .The loop over the warp from the right side (purple) is a little too tight but I can go back and ease it up a little later. . .And, it's another lesson learned. . .DON'T WRAP THE WARP TOO TIGHT from the right. . .

And here you have it. . .No gaping hole like the rows above. . .

This is actually a fun pattern to make. . .I hope I haven't confused you. . .It's a pattern for the advanced weaver maybe but as long as you follow the photos, you should have no problem. . .I'm using John's ADJUSTABLE RAG RUG LOOM. . .I can make just about any size I want and am thinking I may weave some placemats in this pattern and use shades of white and tan. . .but I want to finish this rug first. . .If we get anymore snow and ice days, it won't take long. . .


Tuesday, January 16, 2018


"I TOLD YOU SO, didn't I?" 
I could hear the smile in Cindy's (Old Time Farmhouse) voice over the phone. 

"Well. . .Yeah. . .but I didn't consider it."
I hadn't fully grasped the news myself.

"But, I just KNEW it. . .Remember I TOLD you? . . .I was right, wasn't I?"
I had to admit she WAS right. . .
but, I swear on my last dime that I never, ever thought I would be writing for a nationally published magazine of any kind, much less a magazine that was on the top of my list of favorites. . .Yes, Cindy did tell me a couple of years ago that I should write for a magazine. . .It was our first face-to-face visit with each other. . .Or was it the second? . .Well. . .anyway. . .That's what she told me. . .I thought she was just being nice. . .It was not on my list of goals. . .nor my bucket list. . .so, it was a real shock when DJ Williams, the editor of Mercantile Gatherings, called and asked me to be part of her team. . .

Sometimes LIFE surprises a person. . .and. . .sometimes we even like it. . .
And. . .There's more news. . .I know most of you are familiar with Mercantile Gatherings Magazine. . .Beginning this Spring, it will have a new name. . .COUNTRY RUSTIC MAGAZINE. . .

 Country Rustic Magazine Spring 2018

DJ Williams took over Mercantile Gatherings a couple of years ago. She was interested in making some changes but took time to listen to what the readers wanted and to develop her concept. . .The result is the new COUNTRY RUSTIC MAGAZINE . .On January 2, DJ made her announcement. . . .
. . .we have some Exciting News to share … A New Name, a New Beginning this year in 2018, the heart and soul of Mercantile Gatherings wrapped up in a *New* Package as Country Rustic Magazine, Coming this Spring!! To celebrate our *New* Look and the coming of our 1st Issue as Country Rustic Magazine, we will be having all sorts of FLASH Sales and Special Offers up to and through the release of the Spring Issue which is scheduled for March 1st, so stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter and Facebook so you won’t miss out on important news!
. . .For those of our loyal readers who have been with us for many years, perhaps even since our humble beginnings in 2004 as Mercantile Gatherings, or maybe you’ve just recently found and joined us, you’ll find that each of our Issues welcomes our readers through personal home tours of charming homes decorated with antiques, primitives and country home décor, providing inspiration and ideas, as well as DIY crafting, make-do’s and recipes. We also bring you interesting and informative articles on antiques, history and traditions of antiques and primitives, country and farmhouse-style home decorating, and more…
Mercantile Gatherings Announcement

DJ is a dream of an editor and has given me quite a bit of freedom with my articles and photos. . .She also didn't get upset when my first article couldn't be submitted on time. . .It's a story in itself about all the things that went wrong, as I hurriedly tried to meet the Jan 2 deadline. . .Let me just say, I broke three cameras and two computers. . .and that was on the good weeks. . .I didn't meet that deadline. . .but DJ extended the time for me. . .I was glad that my articles were to be fairly short with lots of photos. . .Once I bought a camera that actually worked, the rest was quick and easy. . .
I can already tell this will be a very good experience for me and fun to  boot. . .

I have one more surprise. . .There's more? . . .Yep. . .DJ and her photographer (and hopefully our friend Mercy, the Open Hearth Cook) will be traveling to our farm from Pennsylvania in October when the fields will be white with cotton. . .They'll be shooting photos of THE COUNTRY FARM HOME for a feature in 2019. . .We are so looking forward to that visit. . .DJ seems like 'family' already. . .and a visit with Momma Mercy is always a treat. . .

Isn't it all wonderful news? . .I hope you'll consider subscribing to COUNTRY RUSTIC MAGAZINE so that you don't miss out on the beginning of what promises to be an exceptional magazine. . .DJ has some wonderful writers and the photography is super. . .To subscribe. . .or to order products, go to:

I'm still learning how to operate my new camera but it won't be long until I'm in full swing and back to writing posts and sharing our life at THE COUNTRY FARM HOME again. . .We're experiencing a lot of ice and cold weather, but nothing like the rest of the country. . .I think that's another reason I'm looking forward to the first issue of Country Rustic Magazine. . .a sign that Spring is not far off. . .I'm more than ready. . .aren't you?

Organizing for Your Lifestyle

Through the living room window, I see 'frozen'. . .ice, sleet, and a little snow on top. . .Nothing is moving. . .Not even the animals. . .John's pacing the floor with cabin fever. . . He has a uncanny knack for being in the very spot where I need to go. . .What's a girl to do? . . .Will Winter ever be over?

Organizing Jane--Facebook

Then I spotted a book I had laid on a table beside the couch to read in detail once the weather got bad. . .No time like the present. . .and the title reminded me of my annual New Year's resolution. . .to SIMPLIFY. . .and. . .ORGANIZE. . .I felt sort of guilty that I had already forgotten my resolve. . .

'Organizing for Your Lifestyle is a fun, inspiring guide to organizing all aspects of your life, from socks to suitcases. 
Studies show that decluttering and being organized can not only reduce stress, but provides peace of mind and improves your mood. In Organizing for Your Lifestyle, you'll learn the science behind organization and not only how to get organized, but how to stay organized.
Whether you are single or part of a large family, live in an apartment or a mansion, incorporating organization into your life can help maximize your potential to accomplish more on a daily basis. This book is arranged (very meticulously, of course!) into common themes to help you organize your home. From the kitchen to the bathroom, Stoller shares ideas, advice and inspiration to help you lead a happier and healthier life. There's also a special chapter for travel. Packing properly for a once-in-a-lifetime trip means you'll stress less and be able to enjoy that trip even more!'

Actually, I had read ORGANIZING FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE by Jane Stoller back in December. I received a complimentary copy. . .but with the holidays, I had read it rather quickly. . .I wanted to re-read it for the details. . .There was something very reminiscent to me but I had no idea what. . .The second time, it became clear. . .Because of that enlightenment, this review will probably be totally different from any others you might read. . .but here goes anyway.

Organizing Jane--Facebook

ORGANIZING FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE took me back to the skills I learned growing up. . .from my Mom, as well as  from those Home Ec courses in high school that every young lady--back then--was required to take . . .I have lamented more than once that soon after I graduated, most Home Ec courses were dropped from the school curriculum. . .or if it remained, it was an elective. . . It was said, even in my high school days, that Home Ec kept women in the home and offered them no hope of anything but being a slave to housekeeping. . .I, on the other hand, never looked at it in that way. . .I embraced and appreciated the courses as a way to have it all. . .Let's face it, we have to live somewhere. . .and wherever we live, dust and spiderwebs accumulate. . .We  have to eat. . .so why not eat well--and healthy? . .Can't afford the latest fashions? . .Get out the sewing machine. . .But, none of this ever hindered me from going to college, completing two degrees, working in medicine, owning my own fashion design business, working at Colonial Williamsburg, and now owning and operating our own historic district.  It only meant I could have it all--I could work all day long, return to a clean, well-organized home, fix a healthy dinner, spend 10-20 minutes putting the house in order and find time the rest of my evening to curl up with a book, visit with friends, or just rest. . .It was BECAUSE I'd had the 'science of home economics' that my house and home was NOT in chaos. . .and sometimes the only part of my life that wasn't. . .The world can be stressful. . .Home should never be. . .
So I applaud Jane that she not only wrote an informative and easy-to-read book. . . but maybe without her realizing it, she has helped fill a niche of home economics knowledge that I feel has been lost. . .Aside from that, let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed readying Jane's book both times. . .I expected a stiff and boring DIY with step-by-step 'best ways' and illustrations. . .Honestly, I've seen one too many of those. . .But Jane captivated my interest. . .Her writing is inviting and personable. . .She speaks enthusiastically of the impact that organization can have on  our LIFESTYLE in a non-irritating, non-judgemental manner. . .She makes it plain from the beginning that you aren't required to copy her organization skills. . .She simply wants to INSPIRE. .

Organizing Jane--Facebook

Organizing Jane--Facebook

The book isn't only about paring down. . .There are plenty of wonderful suggestions for organizing. . .clearly arranged for every room in the house. . .Those suggestions offer a solid base for tailoring to our own personalities and type of home that we live in. . .There is even a chapter on travel and how to organize your luggage. . .The entire book is refreshing and motivating.

Now that I'm off my soap box (about home ec), I have to tell you that the last few years, our home is often stacked up with projects started but not finished. . .paperwork and mail to the ceiling. . .clothes in piles for Goodwill. . .but that doesn't mean I'm not striving. . .no. . .longing for that less chaotic home of my past. . .Downsizing has been the big problem. . .so, when I read Jane's book, it brought me back to that place. . .the place of home as a comfort. . .a safe place. . .a place of simplicity. . .and much less chaos. . .ORGANIZING FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE makes the goal seem obtainable. . .again. . .So, while the north winds continue to blow these next few days. . .I think I'll clean out a closet. . .