
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

An Almost Square Rag Rug Completed

Bet you thought I had quit weaving RAG RUGS, didn't you? I almost had. . .not because I don't LOVE it. . .I do. . .but because LIFE kept taking up all my down time. . .So when I learned that John would be busy with a project and the LOOM business was 'on vacation' for a week. . .I began WEAVING. . .How I have missed it !!!

I have had an 'ALMOST SQUARE RUG' started for ages, so that was where I began. . .I used this one for WORKSHOPS on RUG MAKING. . .Wanted to start another one in brighter colors next. . .It didn't take long to finish.

If you have John's LARGE and 2n1 LOOMS, you can make this square, too, by interchanging the vertical and horizontal arms. . .CLICK HERE to read more. . .

I've got the 'BUG' now. . .The 'WEAVING BUG'. . .John's back to his LOOM MAKING and LIFE has already started happening again but I figure if I set my looms up close-by. . .I can weave a ROW OR TWO every now and then. . .It's a stress reducer for me. . .I can get lost in ANOTHER WORLD. . .



. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice when life slows down a bit for us to enjoy what we love. Glad you were able to do that. Love your rag rug! Have a wonderful week~


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .