
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Kris Kringle--Crocks--Shaker

I have a man in my FARMHOUSE KITCHEN. . .Yep. . .Kris arrived last week and set up housekeeping among the VINTAGE CROCKS. . .A very good place for him. . .He's VINTAGE, too, you know. . .(Santa Wink). . .

Kris has been with me in Christmases PAST. . .He's here for Christmas PRESENT. . .and I'm sure he'll be back for Christmases FUTURE. . .He keeps Christmas in my HEART. . .I have to say, though, that he's never. . .ever. . .been in the FARMHOUSE KITCHEN. . .

Kris is enjoying the HOLIDAY among delicate SNOWFLAKES. . .A Shaker style bowl filled with WHITE, SILVER, GOLD ornaments. . .EVERGREENS. . .BRASS CANDLESTICKS. . .Elements that aren't normally grouped together . . .I TOLD Kris it was a little rebellious . . .but he would have it no other way. . .

Across the room from Mr. Kringle, there's another mix of decorating styles . . .When WINTER arrives I bring out the wooden bowls. . .and the Shaker pantry boxes. . .We cook often in our fireplace and they come in handy. . .John's pipe from Colonial Williamsburg seems a natural thing to place on top of one. . .

The BAKER'S CABINET has to be functional for all the Holiday baking. . .Someone has to keep Kris supplied with COOKIES. . .(He does look as if he's eaten a few, doesn't he?) 
The SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKER tin has become a make-do bowl that can easily be moved when I need the extra room. . .I keep it full of Granny Smiths. . .my favorite apple. . .and couldn't resist placing a few shiny ornaments there, too. . .

More candlesticks help tie everything together. . .
Honestly, it gets dark so early now that I keep candles burning most of the day. . . 

Did you notice the ANGEL WING on the right one? . .It's rare that candles drip in this manner. . .My Grandmother used to say it meant a SPECIAL BLESSING was coming soon. . .Looks like we may be doubly blessed. . .There's another one forming on the left. . .

Traditional, Victorian, Shaker, and Prim have definitely come together 

I threw away the rules. . .
Loving my new found FREEDOM in unconventionality. . .
KRIS likes it, too. . .(another Santa WINK)



Click on the DELTA CROSSROADS MAGAZINE image on the sidebar. . .
or below
Turn to pages 31-36 for. . .

There are also more Heartwarming Stories about Christmas Traditions in my Family. . .


  1. Your farmhouse is the best on the web, in my opinion. I love what you have done. Beautiful!!

  2. I love your Farmhouse Christmas Kitchen.

  3. I second Kathy Moreland's comments. It truly represents the farmhouses I remember as a child. My parents were from the mountains of North Carolina, and my Aunts and Uncles who remained in those mountains lived in humble, beautifully-simple, true farmhouses. I feel the spirit of those homes I loved so much in yours. It makes my heart smile. Your Christmas kitchen is lovely.

  4. Your kitchen always reminds me of both my Grandmothers kitchen, especially PA grandmother. Love how you have many kitchen implements hung on wall and your cupboard. The last time we were there before moving from Cleveland, OH to Tucson, AZ was in 1950. Their street was still dirt with woods at end. Can still see that in my minds eye clear as a bell. Her house always had this certain fragrance, hard to explain but loved it.
    Your Santa is quite a handsome fellow, can just see him winking.
    Always enjoy your posts.
    Have wonderful rest of week.

  5. I love your kitchen! I have a row of crocks on my counter now bc of you and I love them. Your candlesticks are beautiful. Everything is so pretty.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .