
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Peek Into My Vintage Sewing Machine Collection and Graphics

1908? One hundred eight years old? Amazing. . .
I only hope I look that well at 108. . .(smile)
My passion and John's hobby is collecting vintage treadle machines. . .I collect them. . .John restores them. . .They are wonderful pieces of domestic art. . .The decorations on each one is rather awesome. . .very collectable for the artwork alone.
I learned to treadle about eight years ago. . .Our collection was getting so large and the machines were so lovely that I decided I wanted to learn how to use them. . .Lots of trials and errors before I got the rhythm down. . .Once I did, I LOVED it. . .
Sources: The Graphis Fairy &  Knick of Time
I still laugh at myself, thinking back to those 'learning days'. . .of how I was so clueless that I spent hours one day trying to figure out how to backstitch. . .I looked at--and tried--every knob and lever. . .I tried to treadle backwards. . .Then I made a phone call to a friend who had told me that she remembered her Mom sewing on a treadle. . .She got a real 'belly laugh' because of me. . .'Treadles don't backstitch! They're OLD'. . .Who knew? . .Obviously. . .not me.

When you think about it, ladies in the 19th and early 20th centuries were probably glad they no longer had to sew everything by hand. . .THANKFUL FOR SMALL FAVORS. . .
I won't tell you about my first attempts at filling a bobbin. . .for a SHUTTLE. . .totally embarrassing. . .
Source:  Pinterest Graphics Board
Source: Source: Pinterest Graphics Board
When I set my mind to something, I don't give up easy. . .Since I had no instructions. . .no book (at the time). . .and my patience grew thin. . .I searched the net for information. . .Eight years ago there was very little in how-to treadle, as there is now. . .It was John who found an old treadle machine manual that was a God-send. . .Gradually. . .very gradually. . .I began to get the hang of it. . .falling in love with the process that in the end, wasn't that hard. . .I was making it too technical. 
I think treadling is as much a feeling--a calming rhythm--in the soul as much as it is mechanical. . . There is nothing like the hum of the treadle at work. . .It's relaxing. . .believe it or not. . .There's something basic and comforting in it. . .
That may be the difference in my love of treadles and John's. . .Mine is of the heart. . .His is in the simple mechanics of it. . .but both of us have a deep appreciation of them.
Source: Pinterest Graphics Board
I make many of my quilt tops on the old machines. . .The vintage treadles are so heavy and strong and make the most beautiful stitches. . .much finer (in my opinion) than any of the newer electric sewing machines.
Source: Pinterest Graphics Board
 What TREASURES I find in the sewing cabinet drawers, too. . .
Source: Pinterest Graphics Board
Soon we'll be displaying at least fifteen Treadle Sewing Machines from various manufacturers. . .Visitors will be able to try their hand (or foot) at treadling. . .so I began to work with a few graphics for ads. . .I intended to make a couple. . .then it was another and another. . .There was no stopping me. . .I made many more than I'm sharing. . .
I also discovered the Designer at BE FUNKY . . .
Lots of inspirational templates that are so easy to use. . .FYI. . .
I plan. . .one day. . .in my spare time (wink). . .to demonstrate on a post what I've learned about sewing with a treadle machine. . .practical advise. . .as well as more of my Vintage Sewing Machine Collection. . .Those posts will be at DUNCAN FARMSTEAD since they are so connected to the past. . .And there's a possibility that John may sell a few treadle sewing machines in working order, too. . .Lots of good things to come. . .in VINTAGE SEWING and COLLECTIONS. . .Be sure to STAY TOONED. . . .It will be fun. . .

For more Sewing Graphics, visit:

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Love those old beauties! I fell in love with them very early and on my 16th birthday bought one from an antique shop. My brothers and I had so much fun taking it down to nuts and bolts and restoring it. It was stored in a barn and covered in green dust and dirt. I have since discovered it was made in 1921. I did try and sew on it, but like you said there is a rhythm to sewing on treadles and I wasn't very good at it. I should try it again! Thanks for sharing your lovely collection!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .