
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Three Denim Britches Quilts. . .Vintage and Rare

'Tenant farmers in the South wore a muted palette of browns, grays, and blues. . .Old denim pants and overalls, field-worn and sun blocked, create a rich spectrum of dusty blues. . .wear-tears, stain, patches, mendings and faded seams provide further nuances. These characteristics are an integral part of the work-clothes aesthetic. . ." Architecture of the Quilt
Britches or britchy quilts are sometimes called work-clothes quilts. . .They are probably my favorite. . .but the hardest to find thus far. . .Although I don't know the specific stories behind them, I'm certain that the old shirts and denim  have seen their share of picking cotton and farm work. . .They have been aged through many washings and much wear and tear. . .READ MORE. . . .

Friday, October 23, 2015

Chicken in a Pot...and Moonshine Raids

Just a little Farmhouse HUMOR to start the weekend. . .
Acually. . .I wanted to share these FLEA MARKET FINDS (below). . . 
Don't they add a sense of timelessness to the kitchen?
We rarely see this type of JUG in the Delta. . .When I was living in Virginia, they were everywhere. . .and quite 'price-y'. . .I got these two for a fraction of the cost I'd pay in other states. . .I was doing a HAPPY DANCE. . .grinning from ear to ear. . .Nothing can beat the excitement of finding a TREASUE for a song. . .True Junkin' exhilaration. . . 
There's also a family story about jugs such as these and why I chuckle every time I look at them.
 About my Grandfather and a still.
Back during the prohibition era, many raids were made in the swamp lands for illegally distilling MOONSHINE. . .My Grandfather was a teetotaler, so he very often took part in those raids 'to get the evil drink off the black markets.'
Well, one Saturday night the local men made a raid and confiscated A STILL and all it's fixin's. . .for court on the following Monday. . .My Grandfather was chosen to bring it home and keep it safe. . .He put the still in their OPEN garage. . .You can imagine how well that went with Grandmother. . .She was so afraid someone would see it on their way to church that she spent most of the morning trying to cover the still with QUILTS so that it didn't look like a still underneath. . .But everyone knew what it was. . .It was the TALK OF THE TOWN. . .and the topic of interest at CHURCH that day. . .to Grandmother's embarrassment.
Needless-to-say. . .Granddaddy never brought another one home. . .and for years no words were spoken about it. . .It was my Aunt who finally broke the story to me. . .I couldn't do anything but LAUGH. . .knowing just how my always PRIM-AND-PROPER Grandmother must have reacted. . .We probably don't know the entire story of what she said to this day. . .
I'm being a little mischievous today. . .aren't I?
Wanted to start your weekend off with a smile. . .
Do have a GOOD ONE!!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Corner of the Country Prim Farmhouse

Am I too old to have a PLAYHOUSE?
I sure hope not. . .because I was having way too much fun last week
'playing' in the 1930s TENANT FARMHOUSE. . . 
It wasn't all fun and games, though. . .First we had to do a little clean-up. . .Actually major clean-up. . .Remember the tornado this summer? . .We are still working on those repairs. . . The 1930s tenant house sustained a little water damage. . .The wind blew rain in and around the doors and window. . .We dried it out as best we could at the time. . .There were other repairs more pressing--such as a new porch on our house. . .
Last week the weather was WARM and PERFECT for moving everything out in the sun and continuing clean-up. . .As I did so, comforting flashbacks of my CHILDHOOD PLAYHOUSE filled my mind. . .I felt as if I was 6 years old again. . .My playhouse then was a two-room shotgun house at Grandmother's. . .I had a BED and a TABLE. . .an old HOOVER CABINET in the second room. . .a few CHAIRS. . .Actually I think the furniture was left from the time that Grandmother rented out the little house to older couples. . .Somehow I inherited the FURNITURE. . .It didn't matter to me. . .I had the BEST PLAYHOUSE of anyone in town. . .My dolls and I spent many hours there.
But back in the present. . .as I washed the dishes and wiped down the MAKE-DO 'Hoosier' I couldn't wait until the rest of the house was cleaned before I began putting things back in place. . .'Just one corner' I told myself. . .nothing fancy. . .in PLAIN & SIMPLE STYLE. . .
I'm calling it my COUNTRY PRIM FARMHOUSE. . .We'll be transforming this little cottage into a B & B during the next year or so. . .as time permits. . .We already have a waiting list of duck hunters wanting to rent it. . .Yet, we still have OUR OWN FARMHOUSE to finish. . .That bad weather set us back by several months. . .As I tell John, we have job security. . .It's never-ending. . .But the thrill of seeing our vision for the farm slowly evolve makes everything worth it.
AND. . .
(real big smile)


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thriftin' for the Farmhouse Bedroom

I have had a wonderful time JUNKIN' and THRIFTIN'  lately. . .finding VINTAGE CLOTHING and QUILTS for a song. . .If you've followed THE COUNTRY FARM HOME at all, you probably know by now that these are two items I never pass by. . .if the price is right. . .(grin). . .FARMHOUSE and PLAIN & SIMPLE décor doesn't seem complete without the two. . .not for me anyway. . .So I'm here today to  encourage you once again to add a few pieces of vintage clothing to your home. . .They add such a SOFTNESS to a room. . .They also add a PERSONAL TOUCH. . .For anyone who loves a farmhouse, seeing a 1930s everyday cotton wash dress hanging on the bedroom wall brings on a SMILE. . .Possibly back to childhood memories of someone who might have worn such a dress.

Vintage clothing is a TRIP BACK IN TIME. . .reminding us to slow down and to remember a life that was much less stressful. . .and fairly SIMPLE. . .often hard work. . .but so fulfilling. . .
Too nostalgic for you? . .Sorry. . .I get carried away. . .Let's move to the present. . .Have you noticed how fashion is incorporating and/or copying vintage clothing these days? . . .No? . .Then you should check out MAGNOLIA PEARL . .or the PBS program IT'S SO EASY. . .It's become pretty popular with the younger folks--and some older folks, too. . .They are grabbing up anything from the 1930s-1970s. . .Remember the polyester double knits? . .Yes, even those are becoming more and more popular. . .Who would have thought?
I find that 20th CENTURY ICONIC CLOTHING is still priced relatively low. . .but I doubt it will be for long, if the new trend continues. . .One of my favorite places to shop is Goodwill (of course) . .or other thrift stores. . .It's amazing what I find for just a few dollars. . .

Can't find true vintage? . .Then try pieces that appear to be. . .The shabby dress above isn't that old. . .but blends well with the other pieces, doesn't it?    

There was no plan in the way I've displayed these THRIFTY FINDS. . .They are haphazard and a little disheveled. . .as if someone will be dressing in them soon. . .which might be true. . .I rarely buy a piece that I can't wear. . .Often John and I DRESS UP AND PLAY  here at the historic district. . .but even if we didn't, I'd still be looking for VINTAGE PIECES. . .You know how I am. . .A DAY WITHOUT VINTAGE IS NO FUN AT ALL. . .(big smile and wink)