
Thursday, January 15, 2015

From Kitchen Pantry to Peaceful Library

I LOVE books. . .it's my one weakness (smile). . .So it wasn't a major decision to clear the pantry shelves and make a library retreat for myself. . .

I'm trusting you with my secret hiding place. . .my 'hidey-hole'. . .Here I can retreat from the world and take some time for myself surrounded by all the books that I love. . .Over the years I have acquired quite a collection on subjects that I enjoy. . .books on decorating, architecture, quilting, 18th and 19th century history, local history, costumes and vintage fashion, cookbooks. . .Oh My. . .the cookbooks!!!!

Maybe I have one more weaknesss. . .Here's just two shelves of them. . .I have. . .let's see. . .one-two-three-four--five shelves of nothing but vintage cookbooks. . .AND. . .more hidden away in the wicker baskets above. . .

I prefer 18th, 19th, and early 20th century cookbooks, whether original or reprints. . .I simply cannot pass one by. . .I pick them up at yard sales and flea markets mostly and at little expense. . .

I know what you're thinking about me housing so many books. . .In this new age of tech and ebooks and readers, why bother with a library? . . .Why not depend on Pinterest for recipes and inspiration? . . .The simple reason is that I love holding a real book. . .I love the way it feels. . .I love the way it smells. . .and I can certainly flip through a number of books much quicker than running through Pinterest pins. . .Don't get me wrong. . .I love Pinterest. . .It's great for visual inspiration. . .but when I want more, I turn to real books.

While John has been putting down the new living room floor (photos later), I've been cleaning out the library. . .simplifying. . .Looking for the floor underneath so much clutter. . .Clearing shelves of down-right junk. . .I've carried boxes and boxes of donations to Goodwill and over a hundred extra books to the public library. . .Once the floor was found (grin), I decided to move the comfy wicker chair in--much more relaxing than the cane bottom chair I had. . .With a few more comforts of pillows and a throw, I've found it hard to stay away. . .

It's small. . .but cozy. . .in fact, it's so cozy that I've been known to doze off into a dream world from time to time. . .a GOOD THING on any cold, wintry day. . .

I did make space on the shelves for any books I might find in the future. . .although, if I add too many more, it will require another purging or a larger library. . .Hmmmm. . .That's something to think about. . .I think I've told you that I have one more house to build in my lifetime?

Abandoned Virginian farm house

I'll soon be reworking parts of this blog. . .updating the tabs and adding new links. . .We've changed our home almost entirely from the beginning of this journey. . .My bedroom is in the process of change and John is almost finished with the floors. . .Once those are done, I can begin final work on the living room, too. . .This year promises to be THE YEAR that the major renovations to our house are finished on the inside. . .I'm so excited about it. . .Sure hope you'll stick around for the finale. . .


  1. I love wicker--furniture, and baskets--so what a delightful warm inviting hidey you have made yourself!! enjoy!!
    smiles, di and miss gracie

  2. What a wonderful room to get lost for a few hours. Warm cup in hand and nothing but yourself for company. Warm Blessings! Amy

  3. Your little "hidey-hole" is so cozy and warm. There something about the smell of a real book, isn't there? :)

  4. Love your hidey hole!! I fall asleep down here in my chair, too. That wicker chair is wonderful.

  5. I love the library you created. We have one too. I love books, and I simply cannot get use to i-pads or readers. I also underline some important things, and I know exactly where to find it when I want to share something even from years ago. Even with a highlight feature on the tech devices, one cannot do it as quickly as with one's hands and mind. xoox

  6. What a wonderful little Hidey-Hole you have there!
    I think this year is going to be THE Year for us too...
    not sure what that means really, but I'm hopeful!
    I need to revamp and reorganize the blog too...
    have a great weekend... I know it will be productive. ;)

  7. Dru, the question is: where is your pantry now? I love your get-away hidey hole. I have a small library but I have to share it with my husband!! I agree, there is nothing like holding a book in your hand and the smell in an old book store. Now that I receive your posts in my in-box, I can't wait to see all that you have going on at the farm..Happy Thursday..Judy

  8. I love my library, too...I like the fact that you are a real book lover, and not one of thoser who has books artfully arranged on shelves, for display! My library is like yours..crowded shelves and extras other places...I am currently out of shelves...
    I must say, though..I would have tried to find another space, as I would not be able to give up a pantry!

  9. How wonderful, you have a book nook too! Love that you turned the pantry over to the books. Looks like the perfect spot to take a winter nap!

  10. A pantry into a library, you are a woman after my own heart! I keep asking hubby to let me make a library in the kitchen he insists we keep. I suppose he's right, where else would we keep the coffee?

  11. Such a special little space filled with wonderful things. Love the wicker chair idea, and I to love the real books.

  12. What is it about us book lovers that we express ourselves about the love of our precious books almost verbatim.. smile..
    Love your secret space and so blessed to have one almost the same.. grin..
    God bless..

  13. Wow Dru, that pantry really made for a fabulous library! I am in awe of your collection. I love books, but have nothing in comparison. I think I have 5 to 6 vintage cookbooks. I adore wicker and it's the perfect addition. I am just wanting to add tabs to my blog. Need to research and find out if it's easy or difficult. lol!

  14. Oh how I love books and this room is the perfect spot to spend hours. The wicker chair is a treasure. I too collect cookbooks and have all sorts from all times.
    What a wonderful redesign from pantry to library. Just love it!

  15. What a cozy little nook to read a book!

  16. Well, I didn't know you had this sweet little space to play with. I like it. Now what did you do with all the stuff that was in your pantry? LOL!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  17. Hi Dru! I just now saw where you had visited my other blog and even followed! I started this as just a way to journal some of my childhood memories, as a way to share them with my family on facebook. As you see, I haven't posted a new one in quite a while. I guess I should do something about that :) Thank you for your interest, friend!

  18. Yes, please share where your pantry is now! Love your Library...and your new header, this all looks so clean and new.

  19. I'm coming over ! I'll just snuggle up there for an afternoon or so :)

  20. Dru, so glad you linked this up to SYC. I love it! hugs, to you my friend!

  21. Totally get needing a library more than a pantry.

  22. I don't think I'd ever want to give up my large kitchen pantry, but I'd certainly consider it for a wonderful library and reading nook, if I didn't have one already! Yours is just so cozy and wonderful. Happy reading!

  23. Oh, I so love your library! We have plans to make part of an upstairs room in our house a library...someday. I can;t wait to follow more of your farmhouse journey. Please come share your blog posts at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  24. Oh, that is fantastic! I would love to look through those cookbooks! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .