
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Feed Sacks--Flowers--Wood

I'm playing with the farmhouse living room décor again. . . .or maybe I should say 'still'. . . .This is strictly playtime. . . .Making-do with what I have at hand for the moment. . . .mostly trying different looks. . . .various textures and colors. . . .bring in a little of this. . . .and a little of that. . . .testing to see if it feels right. . . .looks right. . . .and fits our lifestyle. . . .It's possible that no permanent changes will be made for a while. . . .If you'll remember, we have a floor to put down and walls to paint. . . .I'll get more serious then. . . .We have many drop-in friends during the Summer. . . .I like having a place where we can all sit comfortably and enjoy each other's conversation. . . .and I like things to be a little tidy. . .
First I bought a inexpensive slipcover for our old, tired couch. . . .With that tiny change I was inspired to tie the living room in with the kitchen for the Summer. . . .where I already have the theme of white--feed sacks--flowers--wood. . . .

I did bring pieces in from another room--but not storage. . . .This wonderful prim table is one. . . .It came out of the Crossroads Baptist Church before the building was razed a couple of years ago. . . .I simply love it. . . .The patina is fantastic. . . .and the color matches the blues in the bathroom, which is right off the living room. . . .It's too tall--I guess? . . .but I just cannot cut it down to coffee table size. . . .not now. . . .In the end, I may set the table in front of the window, with a huge bouquet of cotton bolls. . . .Boo loves a table by the window so he can watch everything that goes on outside. . . .He's not interested in going out. . . .Too hot. . . .or too cold. . . .and a lot of scary things out there!
I used feed sacks to cover pillows on the wicker settee last Summer, which is now on the back porch. . . .I decided to cover a few for the couch. . . .The big Liberty Baking Company sack is just laid across the back for now. . . .getting the feel for that, too. . . .Actually, I like it. . .Might tack it down permanently. . . .
The old packing crate came from the grocery store museum. . . .You've seen the wagon crate before. . . .This time it's keeping magazines close at hand. . . .and of course, geraniums (my favorites) with their pop of red. . . .
 I had many photos to share. . . .I don't know HOW MANY I uploaded for this post only to find that they look totally different today on Blogger. . . .But, I decided to share these with you anyway. . . . It's a beginning for the farmhouse living room. . . .I love the Plain and Simple of it. . . .No clutter. . . .Favorites all around. . . .Isn't that as a home should be? . . .After all, a Home should be one of peace and calm (if you're lucky). . . .a place of security.  . .a place to be yourself. . . .a place to make you smile.
I'm smiling. . . .
And now my Friends, I will be taking a break from The Country Farm Home blog. . . .It was a very hard decision to make, but in the end it's the only choice I have. . . .I love visiting with you. . . .sharing a little of our lives. . . .but I simply don't have the extra time that I need to do this blog justice. . . .
It's time for me to get busy and help prepare the Duncan Farmstead for Fall tours. . . .so much to be done and only a few months to accomplish it. . . .Renovations to complete. . . .A grocery store museum to put in order. . . .A log house to finish. . . .A shotgun house to make ready.  . . .Advertising to do. . . .The list is way too long. . . .There's only John and me. . . .sometimes a friend or two. . . .He jokes and says between the two of us, we might make one person. . . .We joke about it, but I do have fibromyalgia and often have to limit my time at physical labor. . . .John has an artificial leg. . . .He says he's old, too, but I don't believe that (grin). . . .So for the next few months I will literally be 'Gone to the Farm'. . . .If I have a few extra moments, I may pop in every now and then and add a post or two. . . .Show you what I'm doing to the house. . . as the house gets further into it's renovation. . . .and there will be mini updates on The Country Farm Home @ Facebook
There's a new blog! . . .Did I just say I didn't have time to blog? . . .Well, this one is an extension of our website that has been online for years. . . .The website already has tons of info. . . . I've found blogs to be much easier to share updates and stories. . . .and, too, it seems a little more personal. . . .

 Duncan Farmstead will be geared toward daily Farm Life--from Past to Present. . . .The projects. . . .Snaps inside the barns and grocery. . . .Local attractions. . . .Farm happenings. . . .DIY projects. . . .Gardens. . . .Pets. . . .Southern Farm Cooking. . . .Resources for Teachers. . . .We hope it will give readers insights about life on a cotton farm. . . .Postings will be made as time permits.

If you'd really like to keep up with us, LIKE us at the Duncan Farmstead @ Facebook page
and follow along all the happenings. . . .

We will continue to sell Rag Rug Looms and other goods at Our Old Country Store
See there. . . .I'm not totally disappearing. . . .You can still find me at any number of places. . . .but all centering here at the Farm for now. . . .This is where we are at our best. . . .It's the family legacy that we're devoted to. . . .Hope you'll pop in every now and then to see what's happening at our Duncan Farmstead. . . .
Watch for updates at The Country Farm Home, too. . . .
First update--We're Featured in MAKING IT SIMPLE (LINK BELOW)!
Have a wonderful Summer. . . .
I'll miss Ya'all!

As Always
. . . .from my farmhouse to yours. . . .
 We're featured in the Free Online Summer Edition of:
Creative Steps to a Siimple Life EWEnique Treasures Summer Issue June 2014


  1. Dru, I so understand about needing the break from your blog...but I will sure miss you. Liked you on that I can follow you at the Farm.

  2. Love what you've done in the living room! Everything looks great. Thanks for the shout out for the magazine enjoyed featuring you and your post :)

  3. Dru, I'm sorry you're giving up on your blog for now but I understand. You and your husband a very busy with the homestead project etc. I 'liked' your Homestead page on Facebook so I can see what you're doing there. It sounds really interesting to me. Take care and don't work too hard! Blessings. Pam

  4. Oh, I'm so gonna miss you!!! But I do know you can only do so much between the two of you. I'll add the Homestead to my blog list and check in there. Have a good summer and we'll see you on the other side.

  5. I hope you have a productive and safe summer! Looking forward to hearing all about the changes you will make!

  6. The changes to the living room are lovely and I'm pinning. Have a great summer!

  7. Well, busy as ever you are! And it looks like you have a good plan for yourself and the farm. Remember to take time to enjoy it all!
    Farmhouse hugs!

  8. Dru, thanks so much for your sweet comment over at my place (via Facebook) I guess I'm a little slow, I didn't realize The Duncan Farmstead was your page/blog also! I've been following here for quite awhile, but just didn't catch the connection. It sounds like you have a lot of exciting happenings coming up, and you can only do what you can do, right? I absolutely love these photos of your living room, and I'm looking forward to following along with The Duncan Farmstead to see what you're up to!
    Blessings to you-

  9. I love these decorating ideas. The designs are so vibrant and the view is so happy and cheerful.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .