
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hearts and Good-byes


I had a beautiful post planned last week for Valentine's Day. . . .then. . . .Life Happened.
Seems as if life is happening a lot more frequently to us these last couple of years, now that I think about it. . . .The one thing we can all depend on is that Life WILL change, at times in a matter of hours.

I know many of you are animal lovers, just as we are. . . .It's always difficult when we lose one of them. . . .One of John's feline shop pals, Mr. Smokey, became suddenly ill last week. . . .For two days, it looked as if it was a minor problem. . . .Then early Friday, he took a turn for the worse. . . .within a few hours he was gone in spite of anything we or the vet could do. . . .As it turned out, it was a genetic disorder that often goes undetected. . . .with no known cure. . . .John's always maintained that Mr. Smokey and Little Bit were 'just shop cats'. . . .He wouldn't get attached. . . .Famous last words. . . .He was a wreck.

At the same time, my Boo (Mr. Velcro--he sticks to me) was also in the hospital fighting off another Addison's crisis. . . .Little Bit (Smokey's sis) was alive and well, yet she seemed to know Mr. Smokey was gone the minute it happened. . . .For three days she hid from us. . . .wouldn't eat. . . .grieving. . . .As if this wasn't enough, we had an out-of-town emergency. . . .Our world was topsy-turvey for a while. . . .

Good news, though. . . .Little Bit is eating again. . . .still sad, but she'll be fine. . . .
The emergency crisis is over. . . .
and Boo is back in my lap.

So the post I intended to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day
has become an opportunity to remind you to give your special companion
an extra hug and maybe a few more treats today. . . .
How quickly they steal your heart. . . .and how quickly that heart can suffer a loss.


Mr. Smokey

 Life is getting back to normal for us. . . .I say that with a smile. . . .
Life is rarely normal around here. . . .Each morning brings the possibility
of a new adventure. . . .and new blessings. . . .
yet, sometimes difficult, too. . .
Saying Good-bye has reminded both of us to
look for the Blessings in Life. . . .because. . . .My Friends. . . .
Life can be very Fragile.
. . .from our farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. Oh my, it truly is hard to lose a precious pet. I was a wreck for some time when our dog passed on.

    My heart goes out to you and your hubby.

  2. It is so hard to say goodbye. What a cuts kitty. So sorry for your week.

  3. What beautiful babies. The only thing we can be sure of is change. Funny, isn't it? Glad to hear the little one is eating again and that things are getting back to normal.
    Have a great rest of your week :)

  4. So sorry for your loss :( What a hard day it must have been. Pets are part of the family and it will take time to adjust and move on.

  5. I will give my little dogs an extra hug today! So sorry about your pets. I love the heart on the old window!

  6. Awwww, it IS so hard. . . I haven't had to suffer a loss. . . {{yet}} but all of our dogs (2 pugs and a Rottweiler are all about the same age, and no spring chicks. I can't imagine how it's going to effect me. Just reading this makes my heart heavy. The lil buggers have a way of becoming such a huge part of our lives.

    I hope the rest of your week is on the up side of life. Be well. . . ~d

  7. Tell John I said cats are people, too! And with that can be as loved and needed as a person.

    Blessings to you all.


  8. I'm so sorry about your loss...and what a beautiful/handsome cat he was.

  9. I'm so sorry. Yes, life if fragile. The pupsters are right here. Charlie Ross snuggled against me. Abi is lying on my crossed legs.

  10. It is heartbreaking to lose a furry friend. Hugs across the miles.

  11. Losing a pet is not an easy thing. We have lost several over the years, and we still talk about them and miss them. Wishing you the best!

  12. ...and what a beautiful kitty he was! I'm so sorry about losing him. Our pet become our family... especially after our "real" kids leave home. This was such a sweet but sad post...keeping life in perspective.

  13. Hi Dru: I know the pain and heartache of losing a loved pet. I send Jon a hug and a pat on the head to Little Bit. And a scratch behind the ear to Boo. Cindy

  14. So sorry you lost your precious Mr. Smokey. What a pretty kitty he was too. It's always so hard to lose a pet.

  15. Sorry to hear about your loss of Mr. Smokey. Hope Little Bit gets use to not having her shop partner. I know pets can grieve the loss of another for up to a year. So happy to hear they are adjusting a little bit each day. So sorry for your loss.

  16. So sorry for your is so hard to say goodbye to our beloved pets.

  17. Dru, it is so hard to lose a special companion. They are like one of the family. The photos of Mr. Smokey are adorable. Glad things are getting back to normal. Yes, life WILL happen and you never know what each day will bring. Embrace it and we must be sure and show our love! Love your pretty hearts!

  18. So very sorry. Our little critters live such short lives, and are experts at stealing our hearts, aren't they. Thank you for your beautiful blog. I'm going now to hug and kiss our two old pups and two crazy wonderful cats. Cyber hugs to you and Mr. Not-Going-To-Get-Attached.

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are so much a part of the family, even if we call them "just shop cats". You are right about life changing quickly and also about counting our blessings each day. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  20. I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Smokey's passing. What a handsome cat he was. I have 3 cats and you get so attached to them and their individual little personalities. They are definitely family. I know Mr. Smokey will be missed by all.

  21. So sorry for you loss of Mr.Smokey. They do become such a part of your family. Thanks for the reminder to not take anything for granted. Love your blog and your header..

  22. I'm sorry to read about your loss. I'll give an extra hug to my little furry friends tonight in memory of Mr Smokey.

  23. OH, I'm so sorry to hear you lost Mr. Smokey. It hurts so much. Hugs to both of you.

  24. So sorry for your loss. Mr. Smokey was a beautiful kitty.

  25. I am so sorry, and I am so familiar with the sadness that comes from losing a sweet companion. I will continue to miss our big yellow cat who died in November of 2012 and our wonderful German Shepherd who died in May of last year. We still miss them. They become such a huge part of your life and are such a blessing.

  26. Hugs and blessings to you and John for the loss of your sweet kitty.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .