
Friday, November 15, 2013

I'm In Stitches!


Yes, I'm in stitches. . . .literally. . . .

I was in the mood this week to embroider 'something'. . . .but had little time to start a big project. . . . .I've been up to my elbows in canning--16 pints of relish, 7 pints of mincemeat, and 10 pints of pumpkin butter!

To unwind, I grabbed scraps of  muslin, a pencil and some embroidery thread. . . .These two little pillows were the result. . . .and I'm making more!

Aren't they 'Farmhouse Perfect'?

Feel free to copy them for your farmhouse, if you'd like. . . .The finished size is 6" x 7.5". . . .backed  with pieces of wool to give a prim look. . . .Below you'll find a couple of close-up photos with more details. . . .I had no pattern for the printing. . . .Simply penciled in the words. . .and embroidered with a running stitch. . . .added a few embellishment. . . .

Humm. . . .This technique would be good for little Christmas pillows, too, wouldn't it?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I plan to bake eight loaves of Pumpkin Bread. . . .
Thanksgiving treats for my family. . . .
but please don't tell them!
I want it to be a surprise. . . .
. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .
At Our Old Country Store this week:


  1. Very cute! And yes, they would be perfect for Christmas.

  2. You are one very busy and industrious woman. I was afraid you were going to say you had to have stitches! Very cute pillows. Yes, they'd be perfect for Christmas.

  3. oh those turned out so cute!!! it's nice to see you back! have a happy thanksgiving if i don't see you between now and then! :)

  4. Very cute! They are prim perfect!

  5. Cute cushions Dru. I used to do stitcheries like that a few years ago. Have a great weekend.

  6. Your little pillows are so cute!! I love stitched word pillows...I have some tucked in an old basket.

  7. These are toooo cute. Love them. Very sweet.

  8. Very cute! I am going to have to dig out my scraps of muslin and see what I can whip up! Happy baking!!

  9. Love those red boots Dru! The pillows are so farmhouse sweet. I can just see them in your cozy home!

  10. These are so sweet! I love primitive stitched pieces like these! Love the red boots in that picture too! Hugs, Leena

  11. Very cute little pillows! How busy you have been! Your family will love the pumpkin bread!

  12. So pretty and a great project for a quiet evening (or afternoon if I didn't work lol.) I have all the supplies except the wool so it would be affordable too. Thanks for sharing.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .