
Monday, November 4, 2013

Homemade Fruity Mincemeat and Mincemeat Cobbler

Wait a minute. . . .Before you say "Yuck" (I've heard it before). . . .Read on. . . .This just might be the recipe you need for your Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner! . . .Truly delicious. . . .and contrary to it's name, there is NO meat in it. . . .only luscious fruit and spices. . . .nothing smells more like the Holidays than this simple Fruity Mincemeat recipe.

I canned 7 pints of Mincemeat this weekend. . . .for little expense. . . .We had garden left-overs of apples and green tomatoes, so that's the basic ingredients I used. . . .(You do know tomatoes are fruit, don't you?). . . .You can substitute the green tomatoes with more apples and/or pears. . . .This recipe can be cut in half or one-fourth, too, if you'd like to make just enough for the Holidays. . . .Easy to do. . . .

I gathered the last of our green tomatoes a week or so ago. . . .We were to have a cold snap and I was worried the frost might get them. . . .waste not, want not. . . .making do.

I picked lots and lots of green 'Tommy Toes". . .but any green tomato will work. . . .

(If you don't use green tomatoes in your mincemeat, omit this step)
Wash and drain green tomatoes.
Cut into large or small chunks (I like mine chunky--a personal choice)
Sprinkle with 1 Tablespoon Salt and let stand for 1 hour.
Pour boiling water over the tomatoes
Let stand for 5 more minutes.
Now, we're ready:
Fruity Mincemeat

8-10 cups prepared Green Tomatoes
(Substitute Pears or Apples for Green Tomatoes, if desired)
6 cups Chopped Apples
Juice from one Orange
Grated Rind of Orange
Pulp of Orange chopped (optional)
1 pound Seedless Raisins
1/2 cup Butter
3 1/2 cups Brown Sugar, packed
1/2 cup White Vinegar
2 Tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 Tsp. Ginger
1 Tsp. Nutmeg
1 Tsp. Ground Cloves
Mix all ingredients together and cook until
mixture is boiling hot and cooked through.
Pour into hot jars, leaving a 1" headspace.
Seal and process in a water bath for 20 minutes.
Makes approximately 5-7 pints.

Don't want to can? Allow mincemeat to cool after cooking,
pack in freezer containers, and freeze.
Don't eat sugar? Try Stevia in place of the sugar.
While I was letting the mincemeat cook down and thicken, the whole house filled with the smell of spices and fruit. . . .John peeked in the back door to see what was going on. . . .'WHAT smells so good? Can I taste?"
I promise you. . . .Everyone will want a taste. . . .

There's an abundance of recipes for cookies, breads, pies, and bars using mincemeat. . . .But, our favorite is a simple cobbler that I often bake during the winter--especially at Thanksgiving or Christmas. . . .I came up with the recipe on my own. . . .So far, everyone has loved it. . . .even those who say they don't like Mincemeat (as in John years ago--til he tasted this treat). . . .

Fruity Mincemeat Cobbler
from The Country Farm Home

1 Pillsbury Refrigerator Pie Crust
1 pint (2 cups) Mincemeat
1 large can pears, drained and cut in chunks
1-2 Tablespoon Cornstarch, depending on how thick the mincemeat is

Combine Mincemeat, Pears, and Cornstarch in a Mixing Bowl.
Pour into an 8x8 square or 8x10 oblong
Dot top with  plenty of Butter
Roll out Pie Crust and cover Mincemeat.
Trim and Cut a few slits on the top
Roll out Pie Crust and cut in strips.
Weave a lattice on top of the Mincemeat
Bake at 350 degrees until fruit is bubbly and crust is golden brown.
Serve warm with Whipped Cream or Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

 Another option--and one I enjoy--is to top Homemade Pumpkin Bread Slices with Mincemeat straight from the jar. . . .and a little Whipped Cream. . . .Yummmmm. . . .
How long is it til Christmas?
. . .from my farmhouse kitchen to yours. . .


  1. I'm one of the few who do like mincemeat pie, and fruitcake as well. It appeals to the senses the aroma of the spices, and I enjoy mine with a good cuppa. :)

  2. Oh lovely! I have never made mincemeat, but have wanted to for a long time! It looks delicious!! I can't wait to try it.

  3. I loved your reminded me of my sweet mother who is at home with Jesus. She made mince meat pies for Thanksgiving every tomato to be sure...and although I wasn't a huge fan of it, it is such a sweet memory. And those measuring spoons...I have the same ones (I posted about them) and they were hers :)

  4. Thank you so much for this recipe I will give it a go as I have lots of windfall apples due to the storms last week. Thank you for sharing and I will call in again. I am your latest follower. Sarah

  5. I love all the combinations of spices in your mincemeat cobbler. I don't think I liked it when I was younger, but I'll have to try your recipe, it looks yummy!

  6. Dru,
    I can honestly say I have never tried mince meat. It sounds yummy after reading the recipe. I love that you make this all from scratch. Wonderful.

  7. Dru, I am with Kris. Have never tried mincemeat. Fruity mincemeat sounds much tastier. Our tomatoes are all gone now. So sad, I miss them dearly. Sounds quite delish though. Guess I'll have to settle for my two favorite Thanksgiving pies: Pecan and Coconut Cream.

  8. Okay, I can tell you.. Yumm! This sounds great and my brain is trying hard to imagine the wonderful smell! I grew up eating sweet meats from my grandma's Emanaditas. They included raisins and pork. So even if you included meat in this I could love it! But the sweet pears and apples and raisins sounds yummy. I am trying to make my brain interpret the green tomatoes into my imagination, and I bet it is wonderful. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
    Bless you,


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