
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Printing Feed Sacks for the Pie Safe

It's been almost a year since I first showed you this vintage pie safe. . . .one of my "finds". . . .I asked what I should do about the missing tin panels for the doors?. . . .Many thought chicken wire would be nice. . . .Others suggested glass. . . .While a few more suggested screen. . . .

I considered them all. . . .

 It was so hard to make up my mind. . . .John enjoyed seeing the blue and white pieces. . . .so did I. . . .Then, we had our yearly dust storms. . . .following a winter of keeping an open hearth fire going. . . .I dusted and dusted one day--the day I decided to close up those openings!

Sometimes necessity gives a person the answer. . . .

As always, I wanted something Plain & Simple. . . .My first thought was to use a couple of the vintage feed bags. . . .They were either too large or too "busy". . . .While I wanted the bags to show some printing, I also wanted them to be background instead of overwhelming everything else.

What to do? What to do?

I found a piece of sacking with nothing printed on it. . . .Not quite big enough for both sides, but I could make-do. . . .I looked through graphic after graphic, trying to find a Plain & Simple one. . . .When I did, I attempted three times to print it on freezer paper. . . .Didn't work. . . .Very frustrating. . . .So, how about Plan B?

I reached back into the past--during my craft show days--and did what I knew how to do for the result I desired. . . .rubber stamps. . . .masking tape. . . .and a black ink pad for fabric stamping.

I was so pleased with the result, I may use stamps for more projects I have in mind. . . .I like to learn new tricks of the trade. . . .but, sometimes they just don't work out.

Used a light hand with the stamping to give the impression of faded printing. . . .Allowed smudges to remain for a more vintage look. . . .Thumb tacks on the inside hold the "bags" in place.

At one time in the history of our farm, bags were hand lettered by the farm workers. . . .We have a few in our store for visitors to see. . . .So, my idea wasn't totally original. . . .

They are "Prim" for certain. . . .

It's just the look I wanted. . . .Another plus that I didn't see until all was finished--the white panels compliment the white cupboards and kitchen cabinets. . . .whereas before, the pie safe seemed set apart from the rest of the room. . . .

Sometimes you win without planning it.

It won't be long til I reveal the Summer kitchen. . . .Just have a few more touches. . . .a little more cleaning. . . .some tweaking here and there. . . .If I don't hurry, Summer will be over!. . . .Is it passing by as quickly for you? Or, is it just me?

Whether passing fast or slow, I'm hoping you're enjoying every minute!

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .

Sharing with: *Simple and Sweet Fridays


  1. It is indeed passing too quickly! I love your grain sack idea. So original! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. I have some grain sacks just waiting.
    Blessings to you,

  2. Summer is passing too fast!!!! After the 4th of July it seems like it goes too quickly. I love what you did wit the pie safe. It is genius and love the look. Great job.

  3. The feed sacks were a great idea. I wouldn't like the extra dusting either. The stamping or stenciling really looks vintage.

  4. Great ceative idea and really good job! Looks that pie safe...enjoy that beauty! Blessings!

  5. We aren't having much of a summer with rain almost every day. At least dust isn't a problem this year! The grain sacks are perfect on the pie safe. I love when the alteration looks like something a thrifty farmer would have done back in the day!

  6. Perfect!!
    Question, what did you use the masking tape for? Was it to help keep the stamping in the right area? I have always wondered how one would keep correct positioning of the stamps on such a large piece.

  7. Original or not, it was a great idea! What a treasure!

  8. Oh my goodness! That is so darn cute! I love that idea. Now I need to get some stamps to try something, but what would I make? Got me thinking. I understand fighting the dust and this was a very artistic answer to your dilemma. I tell you, you never fail to amaze me!!
    My summer is going by way too fast! I bought some pretty flowers on sale at the corner nursery on the junction and am happily gonna spruce up some flower pots!

  9. Of course, I like this idea. Very similar to my kitchen cupboards. I emailed you this morning, but it's not working and just sitting there for some reason. Didn't want you to think I was ignoring you!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  10. You did a great job on the feed sacks! Your pie safe looks wonderful!

  11. I love pie safes. Burlap would also look great in the openings. Beautiful job.


  12. I love the old pie safe. It looked beautiful before, showing off the blue dishes but what you did to the doors looks great!

  13. Yes...Summer seems to be passing by very quickly. Love what you did to the pie looks great!!

  14. The feed sacks stamped are brilliant idea. Whenever I'm trying to stamp something I seem to always get the shadow of the edges of stamp on my projects, grrrrrrr. The feed sacks are perfect for an old pie safe, like it would have been in olden days. Yours is perfect.
    Think I need hubs to maybe build me a pie safe out of pallet wood. I'd love to take out a bottom/top cupboard in our kitchen to be replaced by a hutch or pie safe. I could sure kick myself for selling a hoosier we had when we moved here. When I saw our kitchen I didn't think I'd be able to use it. Shoulda/coulda/woulda huh?
    Uh oh, when you notice time is flying by quicker it means you're getting old. lol. just kidding girls. Now I'm old, will be 73 too soon but I don't really feel old. How old are you supposed to feel at 73?
    Always enjoy your posts. Happy summer

  15. I remember when you showcased this.. It really came out beautifully!

  16. Very clever...looks great too....blessings

  17. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Before I even read the post, I knew that I wanted to try printing some words on canvas.

    Thank goodness I got my creative space all set for working.

  18. What a pretty piece made even better by your handiwork.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .