
Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer's Here!!!. . .& The Country Whites Weekend Top Three

"Spring has sprung,
Fall has fell,
Summer's here
And it's hot. . . .again"
Not the usual ending, is it?

No lie. . . .It is HOT here in the Delta. . . .
and HUMID.
Around 100 degrees yesterday.

The only thing that loves it is our cotton, which is growing like a weed!

We're up bright and early each morning so we can grab every ounce of "cool". . . .
My first stop is the potting shed, which was once the old chicken coop.
Love these little buildings.
I marvel at their age and still in good shape.
I hope I fair as well at 83 years old!

Visiting them each morning puts a smile on my face,
Gives me the push I need to get to work, 
Reminds me I'm here for a purpose--
Keeping our Delta history alive.

How about you?
How's your summer going?

Our turn-out for Country Whites Weekend last week was a little disappointing. . . .BoooHooo. . . .
I suppose everyone's busy with Summer. . . .or just forgot. 
Sometimes Cindy has to remind me! I lose track of time myself.
We will be changing things up a little next month--doing some tweaking here and there.
Changes are coming! Hopefully, they'll be changes you'll enjoy.

Since it was such a small party, we decided to feature the Top Three instead of  the usual Five.
Hope you didn't miss these!

Oh what gorgeous flowers and vignettes
Kris shared with us from Junk Chic Cottage's
Summer Garden

  So hard to pick just two photos. . . .Hop on over there and see the rest!

You don't want to miss My Ordinary Life's
A Finished Project either!

Isn't this the cutest idea?

Her chicken coop is to die for, too!
Lots of inspiration here, Ladies.
Click the link and go see for yourself!

Kris says she doesn't sew. . . .Really?
Did you see the no-sew skirts at Junk Chic Cottage's
Skirting Around the House?

She shared two with us. . .The first one is in the laundry. . . .
My laundry never looked that good!
Check it out!!!!

Congratulations to each of you Top Three. . . .
Grab a Featured button!

Thanks to all of you who participated. . . .and to those who visited. . . .
We so appreciate you!

. . . from my farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. Thank you so much for featuring My Ordinary Country Life...I was totally shocked when I saw it...:) It is so hot and humid here also...uggg. I'm already looking forward to fall. I love your parties and your blog! Thanks again. Hugs...

  2. Oh I so wanted to enter your County Whites Weekend. I had the prefect post too! The only problem, it was in my mind. I needed to write it up and that didn't happen last weekend like I thought it would. I guess I will be prepared for next month, right?

  3. Thanks so much for the double feature. You are both are the hostess's with the mostess. Thanks for hosting such a great party.

  4. It is hot as also! LOL this week has been full of 109, 108 degrees. I always love to stop here and see your beautiful things! Stay cool!

  5. I guess we can't complain about our heat here in western CO, it's just been bout 102 maybe out where we live, few miles west of Grand Junction but we have a quite low humidity.
    We lived in Western KY a few years ago but phew that humidity about killed me with arthritis, asthma and allergies.
    I loved so much about KY but health reared it's ugly head. I still miss our house and property there. Almost every summer we were there (5 of them) I had a hard time with the humidity of 100% with high temps. Sure took lots of showers.
    All the awesome "stuff" you can find in your neck of woods, KY too, I miss so much, it's just not the same here. No antique or vintage shows/sales ever and we've been here since 2004. If I do find goodies they're ridiculously highly priced (at least for our SS budget). I so enjoy your blog. Happy Summer

  6. so fun! thanks for the great links


  7. Well, we have the heat, but not the humidity. It is bone dry over here in these parts. We have the swamp coolers rolling and love the humidity it brings into the house!! LOL!! Isn't it funny how different things are?
    Yes, the old structures that you still use have so much history in them. I love the feel of something old and still being used. It just makes me feel so transformed and attached to the past. Love keeping it alive. I am wondering what your changes to the party are going to be? All the features are great, and I kind of like smaller parties, as I usually have such a hard time getting around to everyone's posts.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .