
Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Little Blog Spring Cleaning

Did you notice I did a little Spring cleaning?

I've been knee deep into clean-out, clean-up, simplify all around the farm for the last week or so. . . .It has actually been fun. . . .I'd grown so tired of walking in and seeing clutter everywhere.

How do you know when it's time for a change?
When you walk into your home (or other buildings) and don't smile. . . .

I wasn't smiling a whole lot. . . .
I was bogged down with "stuff."

So, I made the decision to do a thorough clean-out all over the farm. . . .
change to Plain & Simple everywhere--including new looks at

The Country Farm Home


getting it accomplished for Country Whites Weekend
beginning tomorrow morning!

I certainly feel lighter and brighter already!

 I've only made a small dent in the task ahead for the farm. . . .
but so glad to have just a little bit of sanity online in my blogging world.

Doesn't take much to make me happy!

See you tomorrow for Country Whites Weekend linky party!
Til then, you'll find me with broom in hand. . .

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. Very pretty! Always nice to have home and blog fresh and clean for Spring!

  2. It looks very pretty! Looking forward to you {hopefully} sharing how you accomplished some of the projects. I am working on a yard sale mirror that I hope to have done for tomorrow's party. Time will tell lol.

  3. Very pretty! I fully understand how you feel when things get overwhelming!

  4. I feel lighter and brighter for viewing your post! Nothing like a little blog motivation for the house too.

  5. I love your header photo! I hope to join up tomorrow. Hugs, Pam

  6. Your blog Spring cleaning looks great!!
    I'm hoping to join Country Whites Weekend tomorrow.

  7. I haven't been smiling at my home lately...time for some changes here too :) Can't wait to see your results ...Blessings

  8. Very pretty! It's always refreshing to simplify. I know what you mean about not smiling, sometimes I groan with each room I walk into! ;-D


  9. Your blog header is so pretty and lovely! I know what you mean about getting rid of the clutter. It's more than time to do this in my own home. I go through spurts where I'm clutter free for a bit and then I just go bananas with the clutter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Love those gorgeous lilacs Dru! Spring cleaning always makes me feel much better. I've been doing a little, but some has been put on hold till the basement is done. My garage and guest bedroom is storing items for downstairs. See you in the morning.

  11. Don't work too hard!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  12. Oh NOT Smiling?!
    That's how you know?

    Hmmm... I must be in need of a serious declutter and over haul!


  13. Dru it looks great. I think I am always in need of decluttering. Not that I am always not smiling, but I sure could use a little more plain and simple. Changing things up always makes me happy. Have fun.


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .