
Friday, May 24, 2013

A Little Bedroom Delay. . .& Country Whites Weekend Top Six!

Earlier this week, I promised I'd share the Summer bedroom with you.
Life happened. . .and work stopped for a few days. . . .
Do you ever have that problem?

I started my week off pulling muscles in my back, stirring up an old injury.
Then the storms came this direction from Oklahoma. . . .
Nothing at all like they got, but we do have some minor wind and hail damage to repair.
We are in tornado alley, too. Spring brings major threats each year.
The worst one I've experienced took part of the roof off and uprooted a tree,
no loss of life or our home.
I can only imagine what the tornado victims are going through.
My thoughts and prayers certainly go out to them all.

I do have to admit that I was fairly frantic when I first heard the news. 
I have a dear, dear friend who lives close to that area. . . .
Tried calling her but couldn't get a connection. . . .She knew I'd be checking, 
so sometime in the night, she did get through and left me a message that they were fine. . . .
Not to worry. . . .Wheeeeeeee! 

So now it's the end of the week. . . .My bedroom is not finished. . . .and. . . .I HAD to go junkin' on the Missouri Hwy 25 Hundred Mile Yard Sale! In fact, I'm there right now. . . .
Love being able to schedule a post ahead of time.
We've already seen so many bargains! Wish you were with us!
 I'll get back to the bedroom soon. . . .as well as other projects to share with you. . . .of course!

Now it's time to reveal the Top Six Most Visited Posts
from the The Country Farm Home 
Country Whites Weekend! 

What wonderful and inspiring posts you shared this month. . . .
We loved them ALL!
You "out did" yourselves, as my Mom used to say.

There's a little change in the features. . . .
Cindy and I will be spotlighting the Top Six Visited--not in any particular order. . . .
The number of views run neck in neck, so we thought we'd showcase each one equally. 

Ready?  Let's get right to the Top Six Most Visited. . . .

Chateau Chic shared

Mary Alice says she's changing her porch. . . .Out with the old and in with the new.
I like this porch! But, we all need change. . . .We all love tweaking, don't we?

Cups & Saucers charmed us with her
 "Vintage Baby Hot Water Plates" 

 Aren't these adorable?
I love vintage children's ware and have never seen
such a wonderful collection. . . .Beautiful. . . .
Babies ate in style, didn't they?

From Adventures in Country Living, Melanie became a Junkin' Queen with
Rescuing an Old Pie Safe

I'm seriously green with envy on this find!
Primitives always catch my eye. . . .Melanie only paid $35 for it!
What a steal!

 I said the Top Six, didn't I?

My Other Blog

At  Old Time Farmhouse
Cindy has three more for you to check out!
Click the above link and visit with Cindy for a while!
She's waiting for you. . . .

Congratulations, Ladies
Be sure to grab this button! 

Country Whites Weekend
begins every third Friday of each month and runs through Sunday night. . . .
You can join the next one on
Friday-Sunday, June 21-23, starting early Friday morning.
Please feel free to paste our button on your blog. . . .

Thanks for a great weekend!
Hope to see each of you again. 
 Til next month. . .

. . . from my farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. First of all, I'm envious that you're at a fabulous yard sale and I'm not!! Thank you so much for the feature!
    I appreciate it so much.
    Mary Alice

  2. Thank you so much for the feature and the title of Junkin Queen!! Big Woo Hoo!!! Loved all of the posts that you featured and enjoyed looking at what everyone shared! Thank you again!!!

  3. Great posts!!

    have a super weekend.


  4. Darn Dru, back pain is no fun at all! Hope you feel better soon. The tornado in OK was terrible. I'm sure that the winds you had were not good either. Glad that your friend was o.k.! Love the features. That cupboard of Melanie's, WOW!

  5. Hi Dru. I'm so glad that you are safe and sound. The devastation was beyond belief. I keep trying to get it together with some whites so I can join you girls again but in the meantime I enjoy seeing what you are up to..Happy Weekend..Judy

  6. I'm so glad you all are safe! So sorry to here about your back, back problems are no fun! Hope you are up and at em' again soon!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .