
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'm Curious. . . About Farmhouse Style

These are a few of my favorite things. . . .

Enamelware in Grays and Whites. . . .

Vintage Wooden Crates. . . .

Cross-Stitched Aprons from the 60s & 70s. . . .
Rusty, Crusty Tins. . . . 

Vintage Mrs. Butterworths. . . .Crocks. . . .Painted (or not) Coke Cases. . . .

John and I made our way into Missouri yesterday. . . .It was a beautiful Spring day and we wanted to spend it doing what we loved. . . .Junkin'. . . .Our first stop rewarded us with the loot you see in these photos. . . .John was pushing the cart. . . .I looked back at our finds and said, "Looks like we've got a theme going". . . .To which he answered, "It's what you always buy". . . .
You know. . . .He's right!

We're beginning to see a trend in this area toward Farmhouse Style--the items I've used for years in our home and was able to find at some good bargains. . . .That's all changing. . . .Prices are going up and the finds are becoming fewer with each Junkin' trip we take.

So, I'm curious. . . .Is Farmhouse Style popular in your neck of the woods? . . . .Do you think it's a new and popular trend?. . . .I actually have an over supply of finds. . . .but, I can't resist a deal--and that's what I found yesterday. . . .

What do you think? Will Farmhouse Style become more popular? Should I pass on a few of my deals to sell--either at Etsy or Our Old Country Store? 

I'll be interested in what you think. 
Thanks for your input, My Friends!

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. Ooh love your finds! I agree, things are getting more expensive and harder to find. The farmhouse and ranchhouse style seems to be very popular in Colorado and Texas at the very least. Wish that we could find more of these items at maybe a more reasonable price. It seems here you can't buy anything enamel wear for under $50!

    Thanks for posting to much, I love reading your blog!

    Jessie Lou

  2. I can't say much on the trends, the 'classics' always sell....see more of the 60's and 70's stuff coming out (ick!) But yes, you hit the nail on the head...prices are crazy, even so-called thrift stores are into using antique store pricing.........deep sigh, I miss the days of a good bargain and an even better find. Takes all the fun out of it when the price has to be considered first and foremost.

  3. I think Farmhouse Style appeals to many who have never even been on a farm. Lots of us hanker for simplicity, honest pieces to hold in the hand. But unless it was a museum look, mainly for show, I would mostly want those things I could actually use. That would be the fun of it. I use my long handled 3 prong forks with the green handles. My husband coated the wood carefully so that no flakes of old paint could fall off. Those forks feel so good in the hand when we turn bacon in an old black skillet. I do have a few things that are strictly for show like the rolling pin my grandfather carved for my grandmother out of white ash. It's split and no longer usable. I would love to actually use it if not for that.

  4. I think the farmhouse style is popular. I see a lot of it at flea markets. A true heritage style like farmhouse I think will always be appealing. It would be great if you sold your finds on Etsy. I bet they will go fast.

  5. I like to use items like this each and everyday. Farmhouse style has always appealed to me but it is getting more expensive for sure.

  6. Farmhouse Style is definitely the new Trend .. Just a new name for what we used to call country ...but just with a little bit cleaner lines and not so many things displayed like we used to. Many of the Showroom designers are headed in the Farmhouse Style direction look for it to continue growing in popularity over the next few years is what I am hearing in our neck of the woods .. by the way love your blog ..just found it and am now a follower..

    Blessings ..Sara

  7. In our area enamalware has always been expensive and hard to find. Not sure if Farmhouse Style is on the rise or if it just incorporates a lot of classic old things that can be used in many styles.

    Great Finds!

  8. I really like your finds, maybe because they remind me of things used in our home when I was a child. With the price of scrap metal so high, many of these treasures are in danger of just being tossed aside in the recycle bins, and being replaced with ugly plastic junk. So glad you can find these and give them a second chance.

  9. I think Farmhouse Style is becoming more popular. But with a cleaner more streamlined look. It seems as if we are turning back to a more comforting way of decorating. A more homey, nurturing , warm and cozy way of living. Almost like turning back the clock to a more wholesome time of life...
    Just my thoughts .
    Hugs, Gee

  10. I think bloggers are who make trends popular and I do believe farmhouse is a new trend. Where I live everyone already owns these things, there are farms every where so the prices are low in thrift stores for them. Great new finds by the way:)

  11. While I have always like farmhouse style, I do agree with things becoming more expensive and harder to find. I think that people want a more simple life and the "down on the farm" look appeals to many.

  12. It seems to me that I am seeing more farmhouse style decorating online than in the past. I have always loved this style...I spent a lot of time on my aunt and uncle's farm while growing up. The area that I've live in my whole life is a rural farming community. My in-laws owned a farm for years and my sister-in-law lives on a beautiful farm with rolling hills.
    I used to decorating in a cottage style with lots of florals mixed in with some farmhouse style...but now I find that the older I get, the more I want a simple farmhouse feel to my home.

  13. Those are some great finds and amazing that they are all from one junking trip. I love farmhouse style but it is not widely popular around here (suburban areas with mostly new builds.) Now drive a couple of hours north, and yes you will see much more of it both in homes and in the antique shops.

  14. Beautiful treasures! Autumn greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  15. I love the Farmhouse Style...I think it is definitely going to be here a while longer. Like someone already said...we used to call it country.
    Who knows the name may change ...but it still Farmhouse to me.

    I don't think it's a trend anymore now that it used to be...But I do think the prices have gone up for old junk!
    If you have some to share, or too much to use, then I'd say sure, sell some of it!

    ...that's my two cents worth. :) Pat

  16. Yes, yes, yes, farmhouse style is up and coming more and more. I think everyone is trying to get back to basics and this is a way to do it. I have always loved farmhouse style because it reminded me of grandma and grandpa. It was shabby chic for a while and now I think farmhouse, prairie farmhouse is in. List it~!

  17. I see more and more of "Farmhouse Style" being talked about all over...blogs,magazines,Pinterest...I do think there is a trend going with it,but its really just the country look that I have always loved :) I so love what you found Junking! I have a few pieces of the gray granite that I am so glad I have hung on too......blessings

  18. Not sure farmhouse style with all white is popular here. Maybe a more colorful country farmhouse with enamelware, galvanized and chippy wood.

  19. I think farmhouse style will always be popular. It reflects a more simpler time and reminds me of visits to my grandparent's farm. I love the warmth of antique wood furniture decorated with vintage farmhouse decor. I love french country as well because it is so pretty, but overall farmhouse pieces reflect my style. I'm sure your lovely farmhouse finds would be quite popular online. I always enjoy reading your posts!

  20. I have always like farmhouse decorating and as some already stated it use to be called country. I had tons it it then and must admit that I still have t in the attic. I have been pulling it down and adding it back to my decor.
    I think it will be around for awhile. I don't see much of it offered for sale lately and when you do, it is priced too high.
    I'm sure you would have no problem selling it.
    Enjoy your blog.

  21. I really like the farmhouse style. Simple and comfortable. Your finds are really nice. We went to a flea market several weeks ago and I found a Mrs. Butterworths bottle with label and lid for $2.00. I agree that thrift stores (especially one large chain that has been around for years) prices are totally way to high! I have actually seen things priced higher than in normal stores. Well, when you have untrained people pricing and everything they pick up is seen as an antique or collectable that's what happens. Unfortunate.

  22. You found some great treasures!!! I have many of these same elements collected during the 70's and 80's when it was called 'country'. So glad the appreciation for a wholesome, cleaner and gentler time has made a comeback!!! For many of us, it has always been here......

  23. Your favorite things are my favorite things as well! I think here, it is referred to as "country or rustic" It's beautiful no matter what it is called........don't you think?

  24. The further our society gets from traditional values, the more people will crave something that will give them a sense of stability - such as things they remember from their Grandma's era. So I think, YES.

  25. Around here it is funky farmhouse. Using enamelware with contemporary items. I have noticed the prices are going back up. I just sold a number of wire fence sections I thought would be perfect for trellises in the garden, but the customer was planning on hanging them around the top of her very sleek and modern laundry room.

  26. Love your finds! We definitely have the same taste. =) I have little farmhouse touches all about the house. Not sure if it's "chic" where we live but I dig it! Coming over from French Country Cottage and a happy new follower!


  27. What I find appealing with authentic farmhouse or country décor is that the stuff was actually made in the USA. A vintage galvanized bucket feels substantial compared with its made in China cousin. I'm not sure how I feel about the distressed painted furniture trend. I'm old enough to have lived through the antiquing craze and saw many pieces wrecked when it fell out of style. It's nice that people are appreciating the old pieces for what they are....farmhouse style isn't about perfection.

  28. Oh sweetie, let me tell you Farmhouse style is HOT, HOT, HOT here in UT. I have loved it for years even though I've never lived in a farmhouse. I have collected enamelware and galvanized pans and buckets since way back. I even have a few of the greys like you have shown. I don't know if you remember, but I was at a store and saw some fun wooden crates that they were using them for display. I asked if they were for sale and she said, No, we use them for display. Then she went on to say Farmhouse style is so big right now. Who Knew? Well, I know now. Because some of my items don't really fit in the style of my home I decided to finish the basement in kind of a farmhouse look so I could use them. Because of this I went with 8" flat baseboards and flat trim. Never saw that here at all. Then when I went to the St. George Home Shows tons of homes had it. I had no idea how hot it was! I contribute the popularity to you wonderful farmhouse bloggers. Those of us who don't have it want what you have. lol! If you decide to sell some items I think they will fly out of your shop! Sorry, I wrote you and entire essay. Oh, and yes; thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  29. For me, farmhouse style speaks to my roots. It reminds me of myu grandma's house and all the implements she used in her kitchen, the old photos on display, the furniture style, even the flowers she grew. It speaks to the values she taught as well, and what was passed down to my mom and to me and my siblings. There is a coziness to it all,a gathering of family and friends around a worn dinner table and the reuse of items. I think that the "throw away" generation has faded and we're realizing more and more the importance of reusing items and preserving their history and our resources. The pieces also go well with other popular styles, such as cottage and shabby chic, so we have a cross-over in styles and decor. I love farmhouse decor, like the enamelware you purchased! I would certainly buy pieces for my own use and collection. Good luck! Hugs, Leena

  30. Well, I love farm house style myself. I have a bunch of same style items through out my home (log cabin). I also mix it with antique and rustic, adirondack for which I think works well together. I do not see farm house style in many of the homes I visit but then again I am not sure what I do see when I visit other homes to tell you the truth. Many of women I know are not into the decorating no less any type of style, sad I know.
    I do think it is becoming more popular so a good try selling on etsy or ebay would be worth it I am sure. Thanks for sharing your loot with us today.

  31. I am the wrong person to ask about what's popular, or in style, because I just buy what I like. That being said, I LOVE your chicken scratch- gingham apron and the crocks.

  32. I am not sure it is a trend, but I love those same things too! If you want to pass them along, let me know!! I could be very interested!! keep getting the farmhouse stuff, it's great!!

  33. it's so popular, and in all the magazines and so many books. good, down to the earth wholesome style. comfortable, affordable, and easy. I think people want that right now. I always love seeing what you find. I'm in Springfield, where did you head to in MO?

  34. Definitely in style in Utah~!
    (as stated in a previous post)
    I've been a collector for years and it's getting hard to find.
    I think one thing that may be driving its popularity in my area is the quantity of peopole who are thift storing it. It's butt, to elbow traffic at some of our second hand shops where traffic used to be at a slower pace.
    Consequently, all the "farm house" style pieces that used to be abundunt are being discovered by a new generation.
    but good for a younger generation to discover things of value...
    Love your blog ~ kindred spirits...
    Have a Wonderful Week~!
    Jen~ "Lacy Crazy"


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .