
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Chickens and Daffodils

When I was a little girl. . . .around this time every year. . .my Grandmother Magers received a huge box of baby chicks in the mail. . .all yellow and fluffy. . . .

The weather was still too cold for the babies to be outdoors, so Grandmother fixed a place for them in the heating room--where the huge old furnace was located. . . .It kept them warm and happy. . . .

The minute I opened the back door, I'd know she'd gotten a shipment of chicks. . . .

Cheep, Cheep, Cheep. . . .They were never quiet. . . .I was just as relentless with my begging to play with them. . . .

Spring never arrives that I don't remember Grandmother's baby chicks. . . .

I remember. . . .

Yellow chicks and yellow daffodils. . . .

Grandmother's yard was filled with  hundreds of those bright yellow "teacups"--my childhood word for daffodils. . . .They were scattered everywhere. . . .in garden beds. . . .under trees. . . .along fence lines. . . . Many of the same bulbs that now bring rays of sunshine to our farm. . . .They're the first sign that Spring has arrived once more. . . .telling us that Winter is over. . . .

There's still a chill in the air. . . .but that doesn't fool a Farmer's Daughter.

The sun is shining brighter each day--warming our rich Delta soil. . . .We've seen baby rabbits in our garden and birds building nests in cubbyholes. . . .Daffodils are blooming. . . .Trees are budding. . . .Shoots of green are beginning to pierce the ground all around.

After a long winter's nap, Spring is waking up and stretching in the sun. . . .

The calendar says it's seven more days til Spring. . . .
but with yellow chicks and yellow daffodils 
bringing sunshine to my kitchen,
 TODAY I say. . .

Welcome Spring!
I missed you. . .

. . .from my farmhouse to yours. . .


  1. Love your place settings! Thanks for sharing your springiness!!!!

  2. We just got 15 baby chicks and although it is still chilly here too, I am excited for the warmth and fun of spring.

    Amy Jo

  3. Good Morning! Happy Spring!! i love this post, it is full of some of my favorite things. Your story about baby chicks sounds like the story my dad always told me about the little "peeps" that they would keep in a box next to the wood stove when he was little. I love baby chicks, (and grown!) Daffodils are among my favorites of flowers in the Springs, welcomi9ng the sunshine and make me want to dance in the grass!! Yay!!

  4. Your spring table settings are so pretty and fresh! I love the different looks you used with different plates. Have a lovely day! Pamela

  5. Good Morning,
    Love your story about your grandmother and her chicks. What a great memory. I love the table setting so spring. Yeah Spring.

  6. You are so blessed, Dru, to have wonderful 'farm' memories. Thank goodness spring is just around the corner!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  7. Such a sweet sight. . . I love all of your springy cuteness. . .Here in Montana its supposed to warm up to almost 70 for the next couple days. But we're no fools here, there's still a chance we could get at least one more blast of winter just to remind us mother nature is still in charge. My favorite saying these days is SPRING! spring.

    Thanks for sharing Dru. ..

  8. This looks so 'springy' I love the daffodils and the chickens... the whole setting is sweet.
    I think Daffodils definitely says Winter is over and Spring is on the way!- Pat

  9. Love this post. It is cold and snowing outside. I love winter but I am ready for Spring.
    I love walking into our post office and hearing peeping. It is so much fun hearing those little chicks waiting on their new owners to pick them up.

  10. I just found your blog and have added yours to mine ~ love your post today!
    C'mon SPRING!!!
    Lori from Notforgotten Farm

  11. Daffodils! At times like these I am reminded how far north I live! At lest is it sunny here today. We are just excited the snow is melting and rain is in the forcast instead of snow! It will be another month or so before we see our daffodills.
    Thanks for sharing yours!

  12. What a sweet story! I love the daffodils and all your pretty chickens! I think we are all ready for Spring!

  13. Daffodils and chickens! What could be better. Love all the photos, and that red colander looks so pretty in there too.

  14. Love all the table settings and the story about the chicks. Made my day, it brought me a little sunshine:) Thanks for sharing!

  15. Cute chickens, and daffodils. Love the agriculture pamphlets.

  16. Ahhh....The perfect breakfast! **Fresh eggs perched proudly on dainty egg cups
    **A pretty farmhouse dinner plate with a bright yellow crocheted silverware pocket
    **A bouquet of golden daffodils (I love that you called them "teacups as a little girl)
    **Splendid reading material.
    **And, then to top it off...the sweetest cluster of chicks you've ever seen!
    I love it all, Dru!
    Thanks for sharing this incredibly sweet post.
    Carolynn xoxo

    ps. Thanks for reminding me to add your link. I had it on my sidebar but have moved it up to the top so everyone will be reminded it's this weekend. Smiles...

  17. Such a sweet post. We had a poultry farm growing up, and I remember the chicks came in big flat boxes with air holes pierced in them. The smell of new shavings in the poultry houses and the warmth of the brooders to heat them, are vivid memories. Thanks for the reminder!

  18. I know spring is coming, but can you believe its to be in the mid 30's here tonight?? Unbelievable. Then, it'll probably jump to summer within two weeks!!

    I remember getting chickens via the mail a few times. Most of the time, Mama raised her own from the broody hens she'd have.

  19. My sister-in-law gets baby chicks each wouldn't seem like Spring to me if she didn't have any. Love all your chicken decor.
    It snowed here again today... :( I sure wish Spring would hurry up and get here!!

  20. What a charming story!!!
    You've decorated so beautifully - love everything!
    Visiting from The Charm of Home!

  21. What a lovely spring display. I've always loved daffodils and your hens look so pretty with them.

  22. Loved your story about your Grandma and the chicks! Pretty tablescape!

  23. Dru, a very heartwarming and sweet post. Very well said and I can hear the little peeps from days gone by also. Warming in a box in the oven of the wood stove..Happy Weekend..Judy

  24. what great memories and i really loved this post :)

  25. Dru, I think that baby chicks are one of the most precious little animals. Never had any of my own. I do have a wonderful incubator that I bought years ago. It has been stored in the basement. It can't wait to be placed in one of the rooms. It has the cutest graphic on it. I will share it when she finds a 'home' spot.

  26. Pretty, sunny and happy. Great job!
    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  27. What a darling post and I love all of your sweet tablesettings! Love the story about your granny and her little chicks, too. ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. What a fun memory! We don't have much here to let us know that "Winter" has become "Spring". There isn't much difference. But the sight of the flowers and the chicks must be a welcome sight. Happy Spring!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .