
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Over the River and Through the Woods. . .

Remember that song from long ago?
"Over the river and through the woods,
To Grandmother's house we go. . . ."

I think it was more of a Christmas song than Thanksgiving. . . .but, it's been running round and round in my head today--as I prepare to leave for my cousin's home in the Ozarks. . . .
The words are changed to,
"Over the river and through the woods,
To my cousin's house we go. . . ."

A silly little song, I guess. . .especially the way I'm singing it. . . .
Yet, it brings back memories of Thanksgivings past. . . .Of Grandmother, my Aunts, and Mom in the kitchen, laughing and gossiping. . . .Of the wonderful smells of spices and turkey and cakes and pies. . . .Of my mischievous cousins--all boys--getting into anything they weren't suppose to--and of me, trying to stay away from them and the trouble they would eventually be in. . . .Of the men folk, sitting in the family room, talking about how the crops turned out and who won the Turkey Shoot. . . .

Most of all, it brings back memories of family. . . .and the love that embraced us all. . . .

The last time the entire Magers clan was together was Christmas 2001--Aunts, Cousins, Brother, Nephews, Mom and Dad, Spouses. What fun we had! As always. . . .

Seems a long time ago. . . .Seems like yesterday. . . .

But, life goes on--and we cousins continue to gather together every Thanksgiving at the oldest of the clan's home. . . .
There's still the same laughter in the kitchen. . . .the grandchildren playing pranks on each other. . . .the men talking harvests in the family room. . . .
Different time. . . .different place. . . .different faces. . . .different voices. . . .and, yet. . . .the same. . . .

"Over the river and through the woods. . . "
Is it any wonder I've been singing all day?
Each Thanksgiving we can be together with family is a blessing in itself. . . .

. . . .Wishing You and Your Family Special Blessings
on Thanksgiving Day. . . .

from my farmhouse to yours. . . .


  1. A beautiful post full of precious memories... wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving Day... and new memories to cherish, xoxo Julie Marie

  2. What a beautiful, heartfelt post. Wishing you and yours a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving. xo

  3. Have a safe trip and wonderful time with your family!
    Kelly in Madison Cty Arkansas

  4. Have a safe trip and a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  5. Safe trip and wonderful holiday! By the by, my husband has asked to be shown the photos of your wonderful kitchen(s) since I won't stop talking about it, hehe.

  6. Wishing you (and John) a happy and beautiful Thanksgiving. Have a safe trip.
    Huge holiday hugs,

  7. Oh, how I bet you all had so much fun! It is wonderful to be able to spend a day with family like that! We love that song at our house, I started the kids singing that when they were little, every time we headed to town to visit Grandma and Grandpa! We still sing it from time to time when we are headed that way!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .