
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Keeping Room: Simplify

"Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness." 

Well, I'm trying--to let go--to simplify. . . .We just have too much stuff. . . .and that's the bottom line. . . .So, as we move the newly painted cabinets into the keeping room, I've decided to clear out all that excess "stuff" that's just taking up room and doesn't contribute at all to my life.

 My intentions are good. . . . yet. . . .It is hard to clear out. . . .We're told if we haven't used it in a year, get rid of it. . . .but, "I might need it later". . . .. . .I have, in the past, regretted throwing out several items. . . .

It's comforting to read that others have the same problem. . . . Robyn Griggs Lawrence sums it up the best. . . . "Modern Americans face more choices in one trip to the grocery store than our grandparents faced in their entire lifetimes. All that freedom of choice is reflected in most of our homes, littered with more furnishings and gadgets than we need or want. Stuff is a major impediment. . . .and it's one of the hardest ones to break through. . . ."
Her advise is, don't try to declutter all at once. . . .take it in steps. . . .so that's what I'm doing. . . .
I have no problem getting rid of new items I don't use. . . .
It's the old stuff that's so hard. . . .

Robyn suggests we place our cast offs in boxes marked. . . .Give Away. . . .
Throw Away. . . . Hold for a Year. . . .

Not enough boxes for me. . . .

I'm adding a few more. . . .For the Historic District. . . .For Family and Friends. . . .To Sell Online. . . .That's what?. . . . Six boxes? . . . Might be too many. . . .But, it sure makes me feel better. . . .Now, I can really get to work. . . .

My collection of cake plates and other glassware has gotten out of hand. . . .time to clean out the ones I'll never use and. . . .

sell online this fall and winter, or. . . .

find a new home for it. . . .Such as this lead crystal and silver pitcher. . . .Isn't it beautiful?. . . .It was my Grandmother Duncan's. . . .then my Mom's. . . .and then mine. . . .It's a beautiful piece that I wanted it to go to one of my nephews and his wife some day. . . .Guess what. . . .Today's the day!

 Lucky couple. . . .

I have boxes of white dishes for our everyday use. . . .I've never been able to pass up white. . . .but, it's just too much. . . .so, a "White Sale" is coming ladies. . . .

I AM making a little headway. . . .

"Tis a gift to be simple,
Tis a gift to be free. . . ."

I'm trying. . . .


  1. You have hit on exactly what I have been thinking about! Like you, I don't have a problem getting rid of new stuff, it's the old stuff that gets me!! I need to come back to this post and read it daily!

  2. You have so many old but lovely things and that's why it is heart wrenching to let go. Your nephew and wife is lucky to inherit that lovely pitcher.

  3. oh i have the same problem, i hate throwing things out because i might need it later, even if i haven't used it in 20 years lol...but i am doing better! that is a gorgeous pitcher and how sweet of you, definitely a lucky couple! and i like that thought that our grandparents had less choices in their lifetime than we do in one single trip to the grocery store...interesting!

  4. Working on that myself! I've been trying to enjoy my thrifted items and then pass them on. A great book on this is "It's All Too Much", by Peter Walsh. It's helping us.

  5. Sounds like a good book Pam. I have been doing this on and off. I find that my purpose gets side tracked wheneven someone move back home ( this past weekend) or my in-laws move and pass a bunch of stuff this way. Some of it is priceless but really I don't need it. You china cabinets are truly lovely, the glass picturesque in them.

  6. You have such lovely things in your home. But best of all are those wonderful, marvelous, splendiferous wooden cabinets!!!!! Did I say they were magnificent??? (Big Sigh)

  7. You are so right! WE all battle with the "too much stuff" problem. Mom has tried to ingrain in us to get rid of something if we get something new, which I can do fine with clothes, but my vintage collections are another story.....
    Love your cake stand collection! Do you want to adopt a neice?! I love the heirloom pitcher! I have never seen anything so beautiful. I hope it goes to a loving home.

  8. I am right there with you girlfriend! I sent a big box off to my daughter yesterday. It cost me $20.00 to ship it but it was worth it to get it out of the way. I also have 2 boxes in the car ready for the thrift store but it is a s l o w process! I'm not replacing some appliances as they toaster oven, food processor, salad spinner etc...although I do love my Keurig coffeemaker. My problem is furniture as that is my true love...old furniture. Why couldn't I collect glassware or thimbles...something small! LOL!
    You go girl!

  9. Good grief! We are on the same wave length today. You'll have to read tomorrow's post about my cleaning out! lol I'm the same. The new stuff can go. The old stuff, the 'nostalgia' stuff is so hard to get rid of. sigh. Thanks for stopping in at Cranberry Morning. Nice to meet you. :-)

  10. Such lovely things! No wonder it's hard to part with them.

  11. You have some beautiful treasures, I sure would have a hard time parting with them, too! After two cross country moves in the last year, I really purged alot of stuff. Now I feel the "need" to accumulate again:)
    I am drooling over that gorgeous milk glass cake stand of yours!!!

  12. What a lovely post! There really is such simplicity in all things white. Your desire to simplify is admirable...and, I should do the same. I get attached to certain things that have sentimental attachments. Oh...If I could only stay the course and weed unnecessary "things" out of my home and life!
    Your blog is so charming...and, such an inspiration to me!
    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog! I hope you have a good rest of the week, my friend!

  13. I find the simplifying part very is not bringing "new" stuff in that is hard. My brain just can not leave empty space alone.

    Best of luck and looking forward to seeing your white sale.

    blessings, jill

  14. I also have a weakness for white dishes. Sigh...I can't pass them up if I find a good deal.

  15. Boy I'm with you on simplifying! I've been working on that for months. It's really hard to let go of some things but I have a dedicated area in storage for my extra deco stuff and if I have too much to fit in that area something has to go! That's my new rule!! Goodwill has done well by me this year! I figure it this way too.... if you get rid of a lot of that excess stuff you get rid of some guilt for having it! Works for me!

  16. It is hard to go through things and let go of things we feel attached too. I get going and I have emotional attachments to memories that things can remind me of! But simplified is better that cluttered. You can have more freedom to enjoy what you do have!

  17. I try to keep my life simple...but I see what you have such beautiful things, I would have a hard time deciding what to keep or get rid of.

    Love your blogs.


  18. When we downsized to our little beach cottage, I had to get rid of a lot of stuff. The family antiques went to my sister and a lot went to the school rummage sale. Every so often I will see something on a blog that reminds me of somethings I gave away, but I like living simpler. And now, when I shop, I ask myself if I really LOVE it or NEED it. If it doesn't meet the Love/Need test, then I don't buy it. Of course, the aged red column I saw at an antique store passed the first but not the last test. I might go back tomorrow for that!

    Good luck on simplification!

  19. Your crystal and silver pitcher is stunning. It is hard to part with things. I'm trying to keep parting with things, but my collecting is such a faster project to work on! I'm signing up to follow after I leave this comment. I love your blog. Come visit me sometime when you're not busy simplifying!

    God bless.

    Stopping by from Vintage Thingie Thursday.

  20. I just love this post. I decluttered my cupboards last year, had a yard sale, and stored boxes in the basement. It felt GREAT! I love your little simplify sign and think it's a great reminder.

  21. Lovely collections... and I love that top photo with your little sign. Must make myself one and carry it around my neck! Good luck and TFS! :)

  22. What a wonderful collection of beautiful things. I know taking that first step is the hardest. I'm not there yet, but maybe soon. Thanks for sharing on SImple & Sweet Fridays.


  23. LOVE this post! That is part of what I am doing with my 366 challenge.. Getting rid of stuff I don't want, don't use, that some else will cherish more than me, etc. It's going to take more time before I reach my goal, but I've made some good progress. I am at a point in my life where I know that "things" are not what matters. There is a point where enough is enough. And most of us here in America crossed it a long time ago.

  24. You have some very nice things, I can see why you're struggling. Keeping things simple is a good goal though. I've found that the older I get, the less I want. I try to focus on things with special meaning or purpose.

  25. We all have this same problem - too many items coming in and not enough going out. All this purging makes for good Etsy buys or good yard sale finds. As long as it gets recycled and finds a new life, isn't that all that matters?

  26. Coming over from Feathered Nest Friday. Such a simple and easy thing to say. So hard to do! Let me know the secret. Your blog is beautiful..Happy Thursday..Judy

  27. It's good to live with what you truly love and jettison the rest, so good for you for working on it. I do this periodically with my clothes, and it not only makes it easier to find everything, but I know whatever I grab from the closet will look great!

  28. Sounds like you're making progress on sorting. You're doing good. It's nice to be able to pass along special family pieces while you can see the next generation enjoying those items.
    Mary Alice

  29. I am TOTALLY hearing you! I've wanted to make my decorating more sparse for quite some time. It's hard to let go of things that others buy FOR you though... I have no problem getting rid of things I buy myself. You've inspired me today. I cleaned out our two hall closets this summer and it's time to hit the kitchen cabs...

  30. I sold lots of dishes before I moved from Texas. Wish I'd kept some of them. The white dishes especially I miss, and some transferware, and 2 plates from Martha Stewart. Oh, and there was an old fishing oar I sold my neighbor. Didn't have room. Still don't. Needed the cash more. But still miss them. Good luck.

  31. Oh! I hear you!But it is so hard when you have such pretty things! :)

    My next project is going to be the craft room.... what a mess! :)


  32. Such beautiful things! How gracious of you to be a giver! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Common Ground. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  33. This is a delightful post. I try to simplify, but I had a difficult time letting go of "the old" things as you say. I like to give things to those who want them and appreciate them, but taking them to a thrift store is another matter. Working on that though. Thanks for sending some inspiration. I need it!

  34. Oh, I'm working on this too, and it's so so hard! so many things have memories and emotional ties. But good advice!

  35. With so many lovely things, it's easy to see why it is a struggle to simplify. Your nephew and wife must feel so fortunate to receive the beautiful pitcher!

    Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  36. I admire your style so much. We too have been simplfing our home. What a job still working on it. Stopping by to say Hi from the blog hop. Come visit sometime, tea is cold and no shoes are required. Kathy B. New follower

  37. Thanks for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


Welcome to the Farm! And, thanks so much for all your comments. I read each and every one of them. . .and, each one is truly appreciated. My friends are always welcome. . .