
Friday, July 27, 2012

Corn Garlands for Fall

Are you ready for fall?
I know it's only July, but it won't be long until corn will be available for your fall decorating. So, I thought I'd take a few minutes and write a short post on how to craft a corn garland. I confess that these are not my photos or my design. They came from the November 1998 issue of Country Living magazine. But, I have made the garlands in the past, and they turn out beautiful. They also store very well, if you keep them in a dry, rodent free place.

You'll need dried ears of corn (I like Indian corn), jute twine, and raffia. Cut two pieces of the twine to the approximate length you want your finished garland, adding a little more for knotting and the end loops. Knot the two lengths together every 8-9". Tie loops at the end for hanging.

Cut 18-20" lengths of raffia. Group together 3 ears of corn and tie, using 2 or 3 strands of raffia about midway down the husks. Don't trim the raffia.

When you've made a number of bundles, begin adding them to the twine lengths. Slide one ear of the corn bundle through the knotted twine so that the other two ears hang on opposite sides of each strand and the tied raffia rests on the twine. Tie the raffia ends to the twine. Hang the garland and trim the raffia to the desired length.

That's all there is to it!
These garlands can be crafted any length and/or hung vertically. One year I made a garland that we attached around the door frame. The possibilities are endless. . . .

So. . . .get those corn ears together and start shucking and crafting. . . .fall is not far away. . . .

I'm sharing this post with: * Rural Thursday * Tweak It Tuesday


  1. Oh. I love that. I love fall and thing that's just a fantastic banner/garland....I really want to do this. Not too early. I am dreaming of it already! I am going to pin this!

  2. What a beautiful idea. I love the dried corn. I think this will be nice for fall. Thanks for the idea!

  3. I think I'll make some bunches of raffia-tied corn for my gates. I love this idea! Thanks!

  4. Oh, that's just beautiful! I use to have dozens of old Country Living magazines. I'd hunt all over for them. Wish I'd kept them. Thanks for joining my party!

  5. Your corn garland is so pretty! I don't live in corn county, but maybe I'll be able to find some closer to Fall.

    You really are a terrific thrift-er too!

  6. Gorgeous! I'm from the Midwest (corn country) and have never seen this! Where have I been? You're right....the possibilities are endless! We used to hang a threesome on our doors in the Fall but nothing like that garland! It's awesome! I can't wait for Fall!

  7. This summer has been long and hot and I feel like Sept should be here not August...just looking at your corn garlands makes me happy to think of crisp cooler weather :)

  8. Wonderfully creative ~ Hot summer so guess we are all looking to cooler weather and then we will complain about the cold ~ funny humans ~ aren't we? (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I grew Indian corn a few years ago and it was so much fun to see the different colors and patterns. :)

  10. oh those are so cute! i'm already trying to figure out where i want to hang one!

  11. i pinned it so i remember that i want to do this!

  12. These are awesome thanks for sharing the process. B


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