
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Country Farm Home

I love living in this historic district, where each day is a new discovery of the old, and the busy 21st century world is lost and forgotten.

Granddaddy (Earl Magers) bought the cotton farm in 1930 and built this house for his farm manager. Over the years, few changes were made to the basic structure, but "modern" doors, windows and shag carpet were added in the 1960s by the new owner, my Dad. In 2005, John and I began taking the home back to it's original appearance. We found the original handcrafted, cypress doors under the barn, beautiful cypress floors under the carpet, and solid cypress walls behind the cheap paneling. We did add a wrap-around porch to the outside, but the interior layout of rooms remains the same.

Collecting vintage clothing is a lifestyle for me. And, yes, I do sew on treadle sewing machines.

You might think you're living back in the 1930s, if you spend the night with us.

One bedroom is now our bath. No outhouses for us!